The Auror Office

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Soon the holiday over New Years ended and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the rest returned to work. Mr Weasley and Percy were the first to leave; they left for the Ministry after a hurried breakfast of bacon and eggs.

Percy no longer worked directly for the Minister; his row with the rest of his family over his devout work there seemed to have taken its toll. Instead, he had taken up a position at the Department for Magical Transportation, which, according to Ron, was even more mind-bogglingly boring than cauldron bottoms.

As the door swung shut behind him and his father, Ron opened his mouth, a crease between his eyebrows.

'What happened between Perce and that Clearwater anyway?' he asked musingly, taking a gulp of tea as he remembered his brother's ex girlfriend, the Ravenclaw prefect, Penelope Clearwater.

To his surprise, Hermione was the one who answered. 'They broke up when they left school, didn't they?' she said, drumming her fingers against the dark wood of the kitchen table. 'Apparently she moved to New Zealand or something.'

'Blimey,' said Ron, chewing on the end of his toast. 'He shouldn't have let her slip through his fingers, the git.'

Hermione looked vaguely annoyed. 'Why?' she asked immediately. 'Did you like her?'

Ron looked surprised. 'I've never spoken to her. But it's unlikely he's gonna get another one, isn't it?'

Mrs Weasley turned on him sternly. 'Ron! I'm sure that Percy will marry, and soon, too! Now eat your breakfast, young man; you and Harry have to get to work in a few minutes!'

Ron looked thoroughly disgruntled and drained his mug of tea, whilst muttering something about Merlin's soggy underpants. Ginny arrived in the kitchen a few minutes later, clad in a dark green jumper and blue leggings, her crimson hair loose on her shoulders. Ginny had been reserve Chaser on the Holyhead Harpies since she had graduated from Hogwarts, and currently was housemates in North Wales with a fellow Chaser on the reserve team, Alwina Riley. She was returning to Wales that afternoon, after having spent Christmas at the Burrow.

Harry smiled at her when she came in, and she sat down next to him to begin on her breakfast. Angelina coughed meaningfully, and opened her mouth to speak. Several heads turned expectantly to her.

'George and I are returning home this morning. We - we have decided to buy a house.'

Angelina and George lived in the flat above Weasley Wizard Wheezes but, though they were perfectly comfortable living there, there was no room for a third.

'Ooh, where?' said Ginny curiously, whilst Mrs Weasley smiled jovially and the rest congratulated her.

'Up in Cheshire; we wanted somewhere quiet, but still within flooing or apparating distance from the shop. It's a lovely cottage, really. But it's such a long way from -'

'No matter, no matter,' said Mrs Weasley hurriedly. 'We can always visit you!'

'We're leaving to inspect it at eleven,' said Angelina, grinning. 'But, of course, George needs to wake up...'

Harry and Ron soon finished their breakfast, and Hermione, who'd been waiting for them, stood up. 'Let's go,' she said breathlessly, wrapping a brightly patterned scarf round her neck as she looked out of the window at the ominously frosty surroundings.

Harry met lips with Ginny, reluctant at leaving her after such a blissful holiday. 'I'll come and visit you in Wales,' he told her, hand on her shoulder. 'Bye Mrs Weasley.'

They bade farewell to the others, and stepped out into the bitingly cold air, slipping at times on the thick layer of ice on the ground.

'Merlin's Pants, it's cold,' shivered Ron, putting an arm round Hermione's shoulders, as if to warm her up.

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