"First meet."

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I shouted, Knowing I'd be late I looked at the clock on the wall.


"Great." I said to myself. I walked back to the ordering section of the coffee shop. "If I'm already late why not be more late?" I wondered.

Finally, it was my turn to order! I said out loud, "Can I have a number 31 with ice and cream?" The cashier said "Oh yes, Of course."

The cashier I ordered from was a boy, Tall about 5'8, dirty blonde, Blue eyes with a hint of green. His red uniform made him look very pale. And Bam!

My all white shirt was ruined. How? Well, He dropped it on accident, He then said, "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" I handled it very calmly and said, "Oh, it's fine." He replied back, "Are you sure? I'll make you a new one, apologies." Yeah normally I'd get mad but, For some reason. I wasn't, I don't know what was going on but, I felt a connection between me and him.

10 minutes later he came back with my same order. I smiled and said "thanks!" He nervously said, "Heh, It's the least I could do." The person behind me shouted, "Move lady, I'm late for work." I look at her and she had short hair, very pale, black shirt, blue eyes. She didn't seem very nice, I then said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Forgot there is others here to order!" She said back, "Ugh, Yeah move along."

I didn't understand how someone could be so rude, Was it that hard to be nice? I walked away towards the door and the same cashier that spilt the coffee on me shouted loud enough for me to hear, "Hey, Before you go. What's you name?" I turned around and smiled, "Elite." I winked and walked out.

Something he didn't know when he gave me the paper towel to wipe my shirt with, I carefully wrote down my number. Cliché right?

He was on my mind for the rest of the day, Hoping he looked at the napkin. Every second I got a call I had faith it was him calling but it wasn't. Guess it is what it is?

Few months passed still no sign of him. I guess it was time to give up! It's hopeless. The next few days I'd just write about what happened in my diary. Yes, I'm 15 still writing in my diary but, I had to get what I wanted to say out some how.

The next day, I woke up made cereal brushes my teeth and just did my normal routine. Sometimes I'd say bye mom! Bye dad! Forgetting they are gone.. Today I felt like going back to the place we first met. Maybe I'll finally see him again? Maybe not. It's worth a shot though!

Walking into the coffee shop with high hopes I went to go order thinking he'd be there to take it. Sadly, he wasn't. After I placed my order I heard the little bell that chimed every time somebody came in. I didn't care to look. Then, I heard a voice similar to his and they said, "Elite?" I quickly turned around and..

That is all for this chapter 1, "First meet." I really enjoyed making this short story more of this will come soon please bare with me. In this story Elite goes to the coffee shop as always to get her go to order. Finding a young man taking her order. He spills her drink on her. Calmly Elite says it's fine and he makes her another one before leaving the coffee shop he asks for her name and he gets it. Few months later she goes to the same coffee shop with no hope that she'll see him once again. But, She hears a familiar voice. Is it his?


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