🥀chapter 31.flowersbloom

Start from the beginning

It's past two now hana should have arrived by now. I have been scanning the faces of all the passengers coming out of the train that hush arrived.
"Bestie hubub!!! Someone shouted my name, and I know that voice so well. Hana.
Oh my God hana
I quickly turned and there she was standing with her box the brightest smile plastered on her face. I ran and flung myself at her.
"Oh my Allah it's really you,I missed you so much. I croak out tears formed in my eyes.
"I missed you too habibty"she whispered she pulled back and glanced at me.
"You have become chubby huda what have you been eating"she grinned at me.
"Oh really,I don't think so maybe it's because we have not seen each other in a while.
"Let's go we have alot of catching up to do"she yelled walking towards the taxi.
" You are absolutely right" we entered the taxi and the tyres roared to life. She kept on staring outside the window and blabbing about how beautiful fea is and that she can't wait to explore. She's such a talkative.

"We are here"I announced. She dosed up before we arrived. She must be tired after the long journey.
"Really?she rubbed her eyes before exiting the car. We payed the driver took her box from the car before going inside the house.

"Assalamualaikum"we both greeted.
"Waalaykum Salam hana kayfa halik?ammi hugged her.
"Alhamdulilah ammi it's so good to see you"
"Come habibty I have prepared all your favorite dishes"she beamed at hana.
"Yay,I'm so hungry by the way"she followed ammi to the kitchen.
This people have totally forgotten about me. I clearedy throat making both of them to turn.
"Ammi I'm your daughter not hana"I feigned hurt, and the said person is sticking her tongue out.
"Huda,stop being jealous yalla"she motioned for me to come over.
"Ok,I guess I'm being a little paranoid"
We are to the brim, neither of us could stand up. Ammi shook her head at us saying we will never grow up before walking away to the parlour.
We finished washing the plates,freshened up and sat on my bed .
"So huda tell me all about your life here im curious to know,do I have an inlaw yet?she asked and I rolled my eyes at her
"Ok hana,I will tell you but promise me that you will tell me yours?I pushed my pinky forward.
"I promise"she joined hers with mine.
"Ok then were should I start from"I asked her.
"The very beginning"
I narrated all that happened to her as the night grew colder.

"One down and four more to go"hana shouted.
Firfir came yesterday and today is all about us. Hana made a list of all that we are doing today. The girls are getting along just fine.
"Oh my God it's going to be fun,I really needed this"firfir jumped happily.
"Calm your horses firfir, remember you have a beautiful angel growing on that belly of yours so be careful" I warned.
"Such a kill joy"she groaned and we all chuckled at her angry face.
We all met this morning at our first stop,the sharks. We had our breakfast which consist.of local moroccan dishes. After much bickering we left for the second stop which is the fes local market,the market is always busy with people trooping in and out of the market, traders selling different products and food stuffs.we tasted different snacks and the were so delicious so we bought them. We stopped by a clothing store were we can get clothes that we can afford,so everybody decided to buy new clothes.
"Oh my God huda it's beautiful"kulthum shrieked beside me. I was holding a red chiffon gown with ruffled sleeves.its pretty to be honest.
"Yes huda you have to but it"the others joined
"Ok guys I will buy it then"
"Salam, please how much does it cost"I asked the salesman
"It costs 100dirham ma'am"
"Ok thank good I have the money"
I payed him and the rest bought abayas too I can't buy that I don't have much money and we still have things to do.
Two down three to go"she shouted again Crossing a line on the second activity.
"Let's keep moving"I told them out next stop is benisheikh's icecream parlour and alhamdulilah it's not very far from the market so we decided to trek.
I ordered vanilla and coffee, kulthum ordered rex bubblegum,firfir ordered strawberry,hana and khadi went with chocolate. We continued walking whilst chatting and taking our icecream at the same time.
The day went by smoothly,and soon enough it was evening already. We went fishing,it was hilarious watching them trying to catch fish. Next we went to a photo booth and took tons of pictures and they turned out to be great.
We are back at sharks for our dinner,I packed some food for ammi and papi.
"You guys today has been amazing, I'm so happy that we got to do this. Thank you and I love you all"I finished my not so long speech
"We love you too huda"the chorused
"Group hug everyone"khadi stood up and we joined her
"Ok guys time to go home it's already late"I announced
"Such a kill joy huda"firfir said for the second time today and we all laughed at that.
Everybody left for their home . We arrived home,thank God ammi and papi have not slept yet even though we told them to do so,we gave them their food and left for our room to sleep.

The two weeks flew by, everyone had gone back,firfir went back to egypt and haba went back to marrakech ,so it's only the three of us now. We will surely miss them.
Today I woke up with a slight headache and I feel like something is wrong,but i thought I was being paranoid. I came back from work two hours ago. I wanted to take a nap but I couldn't so I picked up the novel that kulthum gave me and started reading it.
I checked the time and it's almost six. I have to get ready,khadi kulthum and I are going for a picnic. We planned it since it's Saturday and we have been busy and stressed out this week.
After taking a shower,I dressed up,picked the food that I gave prepared and left after biding my parents goodbye. It's a small park with beautiful flowers that blossom during the summer,it always gives me a feeling of tranquility. I love,love flowers they will forever be my favorite In the world.

When I arrived the were already seated so I joined them and we arranged the food and snacks,and then we started eatingabd talking about different things.

"Guys nuaym is coming back next week and then the day for the nikah will be fixed. I said making them to drop what they are eating to stare at me with wide eyes.
Our relationship grew stonger this past months and alhamdulilah will decided to make it halal.
"What,is it true huda?khadi asked
"Are you serious? kultum whisper yelled.
"Yes guys I'm very serious"I beamed at them.
"Masha Allah we are so happy for you"the both said
We eat all the food and talked about my nikah,we want only a simple wedding,and I'm happy that my friends agreed after much persuasion.
My phone vibrated all of a sudden,so I picked the call.

Hi habibties👋how are we all doing. Is that a cliffhanger I'm seeing 😏😜hehe

What happened,who can guess
Well I'm not saying anything


✨Zeenarh ✨

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