"Stop...it's not like that."

"Oh yeah...after the way he looked at you I'm quite sure the only thing on his mind is friendship. Maybe he wants to show you his Scrabble board. It's probably gold plated."

I snorted out a laugh,

"Stop." I calmed down from my laugh and took a deep breath, "I just...he's nice to be around. He doesn't expect things. He lets me...be me."

When I finally met Dori's gaze she was studying me like she'd never seen me before. She set her chin in her hand and she smiled.


Harry arrived at my door right at nine. I was used to this. He offered me his hand and once again, I grabbed his like a six year old. He turned his hand to thread his fingers through mine while we walked to his car.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He said after opening my door.

He drove us towards the city center and then to an area I hadn't been in before. What was the deal with that lately? I'd lived here my whole damn life.

He finally pulled into an alleyway and then he parked to the side. I looked around, mostly to try and figure out where we were with a tiny bit of "is he going to kill me here?" sprinkled in. He laughed when I turned my head so he could see my face,

"I'm not going to kill you."

I frowned as I sat back,

"That's just the sort of thing someone who was going to kill you would say."

He shook his head,

"Always so suspicious."

"Safe." I corrected, "I'm safe."

He slid out of the truck and then rounded the front to open my door for me. He offered me his hand,

"Trust me?"

I looked down at his hand and then up at him. A deep sigh exited my lungs. I took his hand and slid down onto the asphalt.

He led me towards a door. It was pitch black out here except for the light over the door. I gripped his hand like my life depended on it and I stuck close to his body. I didn't get the idea he was going to kill me but that didn't go for anyone else.

The door creaked open, I held my breath. A man dressed as a security guard came into view.

He smiled,

"Mr. Styles, come right in."

I lifted my eyebrows. What the hell was all this?

The security guard stepped in front of us,

"Feel free to look around. I'll give you your privacy. Just don't touch anything please."

Harry nodded as he shook his hand,

"Thank you again."

Again? Had Harry spoken to this person before?

Just as quickly as the security guard had appeared, he disappeared. Harry reached out to help me off with my jacket,

"Friend of mine tipped me off about this." He said as he hung my jacket on a coat rack and then took off his own, "And I knew you'd love it so..."

He pushed open the double doors in front of us to reveal a completely white space full of photographs on the wall. I stepped through them. It was an exhibition.

An exhibition of Imogen Cunningham photos.



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