Chapter 15

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I'f you're reading this I'm honestly amazed this series is trash and none of it makes sense and it's pretty Problematic (TM).


I walked over to my coat and felt Draco's eyes following me. I scooped up the cigarettes and lit one, putting it between my lips and throwing my coat down.

 "What's up?" Pansy frowned as I exhaled smoke around me.

 "Since when do you smoke?" Draco demanded.

 "Since now," I shot back, taking another drag on the cigarette.

 "Talk to me," Pansy pleaded.

 "I'm fine," I waved her off.

 "That ring is horrid," Astoria wrinkled her nose, walking by. I sent her my fiercest glare and walked up to her so she was looking up at me in fear.

 "Did I ask for your opinion?" I sneered, holding my cigarette with two fingers.

 "N-no," she stuttered.

 "Then screw off," I said darkly and she whimpered as I dropped ashes on her nose.

 I narrowed my eyes and she sprinted upstairs.

 "What the hell is up with you?" Thane asked. I took a deep inhale of smoke and blew it out in his face as he walked closer. He grabbed my wrist and forced me to look at him.

 "As your friends, you are required to tell us," he said, glaring into my eyes, and I mirrored him.

 "Then follow me upstairs," I grit out, taking another drag. I put the cigarette between my lips as I grabbed my stuff and went into my dorm. When I got upstairs I coughed and let the big billow of smoke come out of my mouth. Never hold a cigarette in your mouth for too long. They all waited expectantly and Ariana was frowning, eyeing the cigarette with distaste. I took a few more drags and then put it out, sitting on the bed with the others surrounding me.

 "The Phoenix might never come back," I half lied. It might, but that's not at all what Dumbledore and I discussed.

 "What?" Blaise gasped.

 "No!" Pansy protested.

 "Oh Jesus," Ariana muttered.

 "She's lying," Draco said coldly. Thane nodded, crossing his arms.

 "I am not!" I protested.

 "Yes you are!" Draco snapped.

 "You know what?" I asked calmly. "I'm entitled to my own secrets."

 "You're obviously really upset!" Pansy snapped.

 "No, Pans, I'm pissed! There's a difference," I shouted.

 "Well then why is this?" Pansy asked.

 "I'm not telling you," I shot back, standing up again. Ignoring their protests, I ran downstairs and into Severus's office, not even knocking as I burst into his room. He snapped up in bed and looked around, seeing the faint light from the fire outlining me.

 "Wha?" he asked, still half asleep.

 "I'm using your Floo Network," I said and he stood up, grabbing my wrist.

 "Why do you smell like smoke?" he frowned, waking up instantly.

 "I smoke now," I smirked sarcastically. He watched in confusion as I tore through his drawers, looking for Floo powder. After slamming a few more drawers, I screamed in frustration and kicked the dresser.

Leah Riddle: Flight of the Phoenix (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now