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It had been three weeks. Three weeks of nothing, starvation and sleeping under bus shelters and on public benches. I didn't make it far outside London. I hadn't heard anything from Fred, Narcissa, my mother or Sirius. I was alone. It was a sunny but cold day, I was awoken by the sound of early morning traffic beeping and rushing by the bus stop I stayed at. I hated this. I wish I could just go back to twelve Grimmauld Place, back to my daughter, Fred and actually being treated like I was apart of a family. I sat up straight, outstretched my arms and began on my way once again, trying to find my family. I avoided the city and made my way toward the countryside, over hills, passing mountains, hiking through forests.

My legs were tired, my body ached and I was on the brink of giving up. I sat on the ground, leaning against a rather large tree. I was tired and out of breath. After weeks of searching, hiking and wandering, I was ready to give up. All of a sudden, there was a sound of a crack and Lucius Malfoy appeared in front of me. I jumped to my feet with a fright, "Lucius." I gasped, looking into his eyes to assure that it was him.

Lucius looked down at me with a smirk, "Well, I am glad you have come to your senses." I looked to him confused.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked, patting myself down.

"That is not the matter right now." He said to me, "We were expecting you back at the Manor many weeks ago. Narcissa got worried."

I furrowed my brows, "I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?"

Lucius sighed, "I've realized my doubt. I know where your loyalties now lie, come home." Lucius held out his hand and I took it.  


I remained in Malfoy Manor for weeks, Narcissa taking good care of me after my excursion of looking for my parents, but both I and Narcissa knew that they were safe. In my parents' absence, Lucius took the time to introduce to me to our fellow Death Eaters and made sure that I was ready. There were minor orders from the Dark Lord that neither myself or Lucius were asked to partake in but it was exhilarating to know that there could be. I felt as though I was home.

As Summer rolled in, I started to miss 12 Grimmauld Place. Fred should be home from school shortly along with the rest of the Weasleys and realize that I am not there and haven't been for quite some time. It was something I severely tried not to think about. I got dressed into my cloaks which I surprisingly felt comfortable in, similar to my mothers, my hair was in full volume just like I had always wanted it to be. I was nothing less of Bellatrix Lestrange.  

I heard my name call from downstairs. As I approached the foyer, I heard voices from the living room and went inside to see Narcissa, Rabastan and my parents in conversation. They all turned their heads to me, my mother grinning when her eyes met mine. She jumped to her feet and ran to me, wrapping her arms around me. "There you are." She breathed in my ear, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." I smiled.

"The Dark Lord has given us orders, to retrieve his prophecy from the Ministry of Magic." My father spoke. "That includes you."

I felt excitement take over my body, the Dark Lord has given me orders. It something new and exciting. "It entails of how to destroy Potter and his band of misfits. He needs it." Lucius spoke, "He's tricking the boy into thinking his loving godfather is in danger." I felt my heart jump at the mention of Sirius, my mother simply tutted and rolled her eyes and folded her arms in disgust. "So expect to be confronted by a group of rowdy teenagers."

"Shall we move on." My mother spoke, linking her arm with mine.

In an instance, we had disapparated. We were swiftly brought to what I suspected to be the Ministry. We were in a small hallway, the walls and floors covered in black tiles. It was quiet and eerie. I couldn't explain the sensation, standing in the Ministry with my parents by my side. There was a door at the end of the hallway, slightly ajar. I looked to Lucius who sighed with concern. He didn't say anything and simply marched forward. We followed closely behind, coming to a halt at the door. Lucius turned to my father and Rabastan and in unison waved their wands in front of their faces. A mask formed, shielding their face from anyone who saw them. I turned to my mother, "What about us?" I said in the quietest whisper I could have made.

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