This is Farewell

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Tubbo tried to think of what items could be useful and most important for him to carry in his small inventory, he wasn't able to bring much stuff, the things he brought with him are mostly blocks, weapons, food, and ores. He could only carry so much with him and his inventory was quite small so he had to be picky with the things he's going to bring with him. He also didn't want to seem too suspicious around the people in Pogtopia, so that they wouldn't start questioning him and began feeling suspicious, little did those people know that tonight would probably be the last night they'll ever spend with Tommy and Tubbo.

Tubbo didn't want Wilbur or Niki or Quackity to ask him why he's carrying so much stuff on him, Tubbo didn't want to have to say goodbye to them for good, and Tubbo didn't want to leave them all behind. But he also didn't want to leave Tommy on his own, he didn't want to say goodbye to Tommy, he didn't want to be the only one who knows this was the last time he'll be seeing Tommy's face. And besides Tubbo would probably be nothing without Tommy, if Tommy leaves him here then Tubbo would feel nothing but empty and lonely for sure, Pogtopia would be different without Tommy there. Tubbo also doesn't want to feel the same betrayals that Tommy feels if he stays here, he knows very well how hurt Tommy will be if he stays longer here, both emotionally and physically. If it's not Tubbo who's going to be there for Tommy then who will?

While Tubbo was picking up some food from a chest, he hears faint footstep noises coming from behind him. Immediately Tubbo panicked and turned around while hiding the food behind his back, turns out he sees Niki walking by. Tubbo was just relieved that it wasn't Wilbur or Techno or he would've already been caught red handed.

"Hey Niki" Tubbo greeted, Niki turns her head towards Tubbo and gave him a polite smile as a way of greeting him back while she walks over towards the furnaces. Tubbo noticed that Niki has some raw pork chops in her hands which made the brown haired boy curious.

"What are you doing with those pork chops?" Tubbo questioned the girl, taking a few steps closer to her to see what Niki's going to do with them.

"Oh I'm just going to cook these in the furnace, do you want any Tubbo? I'm giving them out to Wilbur, Techno, Quackity and Tommy too just incase they're hungry and that they haven't had any dinner yet" Niki said before crouching down and putting the pork chops inside the furnace. Tubbo nodded in agreement, he just realized now how hungry he is and that all the food he's carrying behind him is still pretty raw and uncooked, maybe he should carry a furnace with him as well for the journey?

"Actually, my stomach has been rumbling for the past few hour so some pork chop sounds good. Speaking of pork chops, did you know that piglets can learn their names at just three weeks old? I couldn't even do that!" Tubbo exclaimed while placing down all the food back in his chest, Niki who was facing her back towards Tubbo had her eyes widened, she was quite impressed with that random fact but also pretty confused why Tubbo would just say that out of nowhere, but she won't question it.

"Oh really? I never knew that, do you think we should get a piglet later in the future then? As a pet maybe" Niki suggested with a shrug although she probably shouldn't have said that, it made the brown haired boy behind her lit up with excitement as Niki hears a small and happy gasp.

"Oh we definitely should! I think it's a good idea, the piglet can get along with my pet bees. Okay well I don't have pet bees... can we get pet bees too?" Tubbo jumped up and down slightly, getting all hyped up for his future pet colony, he's like a little toddler begging for his mom to get him pets and toys.

"Of course we can get pet bees, only if Wilbur and the others allow it though, but I do" Niki turned around with a chuckle as she folded her arms together while leaning her back against the furnace, waiting for the pork chop to be cooked. Tubbo quietly cheers to himself, getting excited for getting pets, he started thinking of what names he's going to give to his pet pig and bees.

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