• (george x alex) depression*

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This was an anonymous request! I wrote this because the whole Alex and red bull situation is terrible and I hate how they are treating him.. so why not make him depressed. The hate comments and stuff I wrote are fictional.. I love Alex, they're for the story only.

(this is set during the Grand Prix this week and since we don't know how it turns out yet it's going to be made up for the story)

trigger warning! (depression and self harm/hate) do not read of you are sensitive to the topics!!

"he doesn't deserve that seat."

"what's he even doing in f1, he sucks"

"Pathetic fags shouldn't be allowed in the sport."

"give Gasly his red bull seat back and get the fuck out of formula one."

Ugh.. scrolling through Alex's Instagram all he saw was hate. He's always had to deal with hate comments and such as any celebrity does, but lately there has been more hate than good at this point. Even Max doesn't want Alex in Red Bull anymore. What no one stopped to think about was the fact Alex was a person too and he was about to break..

Alex sighed and got up out of bed, there's no use just sitting there feeling bad for himself because to many's dismay he still had a job he needed to do. He walked into the kitchen to see his boyfriend making breakfast (shirtless of course).

"Hey babe." Alex said smiling slightly, kissing George on the cheek.

"Good morning Ally." George said. "How did you sleep? when I got up you were really restless."

"I don't know... I slept fine." Alex said trying to hide the fact he didn't sleep at all.

"Ok that's good, you know I worry about you peanut." George smiled. "Want some pancakes, they're chocolate chip, your favorite," he said turning back to the pan, flipping one.

"What would I do without you." Alex laughed, thinking to himself how lucky he was.

"I have no idea.. now eat." George laughed pointing to a pile of pancakes on the dining table.

"Ok yum." Alex said smiling, sitting down.

"You ready for the race today," George asked with a smile. George had gotten into q3 for the first time ever and was starting p9.

"Yeah I guess.." Alex said quietly, looking down at his food.. he was starting p12, in a Red Bull. The season had been terrible for poor Alex so far. He was only one point ahead of Gasly in the championship. He didn't deserve that seat....

"Hey don't be upset babe, you'll do great." George said sympathetically..

Alex felt selfish, George has always started in the back with no complaints, his car was terrible and yet he always found a bright side. And now for once he's done well and Alex can't even think past his own failure. Of course he tried to, he loved his boyfriend more then anything in the world but George was too good for him..

"Yeah.. but you're the one who's starting in the top! We should be talking about you." Alex said, forcing a smile.

"I know, but you know I care about you more." George said. "Now come on, or we'll be late."

. . . .

After the race Alex walked back to his box glumly.. p13.. to make matters worse, Pierre got yet another podium and Max won.. now for sure he wasn't staying in f1 next year.

George did well, getting his first formula one point ever.. breaking the streak of the longest amount
races without scoring. He finished p10. (🤞🏻one can hope)

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