• (charles x pierre) i miss you

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This was an anonymous request :P
"We're done! Get your stuff and leave."

That moment replaying in Charles head as he was trying to sleep.. he saw his ex lovers angry face as he slammed the door. Charles groaned rolling over, the last couple months had been painful for the young Monegasque and he didn't know if he would ever get over the heartbroken feeling.

Charles had been dating Pierre Gasly for a year, until Charles got way to drunk and kissed someone else, Pierre got angry and kicked him out and they haven't spoken since. Charles knew he messed up and as soon as he did it he regretted it, but it was no use.. Pierre wasn't answering his texts or calls and during races and interviews he would try and avoid him.

The race this weekend was Imola, and Charles was starting behind Pierre on the grid so Charles had a lot to prove...

"Pierre, Pierre wait up!" Charles called after him as they entered the track the morning of the race.

"Leave me alone." Pierre snapped not looking at the young boy.

"Please, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry, when will you forgive me?" Charles asked desperately.

"I forgive you, but that doesn't change anything.. you broke my heart, you can't fix that." Pierre said, stopping to look at him. "So now I would appreciate if you left me alone."

Not letting Charles respond, Pierre rolled his eyes and left. Tears filled his eyes as he watched him walk off.

"What's wrong Charles?" Max asked as he saw Charles crying.

"Oh hey Max." He said as he wiped his tears away with his sleeve, "nothings wrong." He said putting on a fake smile.

"Ok... then why are you crying?" Max asked his friend skeptically.

"Probably just allergies, I don't know." He sniffled trying to hold back more tears from falling.

"No that's not it, you know you can tell me anything, what's wrong." Max said sympathetically, sitting down on the bench next to Charles and putting his arm around him.

Charles lent into him and started to cry, "he hates me Max.. and h-he doesn't want to talk to me anymore.. but I love him."

"Who Pierre? He doesn't hate you Charlie." Max said wiping a tear off of Charles face with his thumb.

"But how do you know that!" Charles cried.

"Because he comes to me and cries about how much he misses you." Max said poking Charles in the stomach playfully.

"W-what, no he doesn't" Charles gasped.

"Yeah, he does... Charles he loves you." Max said.

"But then how come every time I try and apologize or talk to him.. he ignores me?"

"Because he's sad Charlie, that doesn't mean he hates you. I just takes time, I promise." Max said sincerely.

"Ok.. thanks Max." Charles smiled slightly.

"Yeah of course, now come on or we'll be late to our race." Max laughed standing up from the bench

"Yeah but I'm not going to do well, my car is shit and I'm starting seventh." Charles groaned.

"No you'll do great!" Max said trying to empathize.

"Says you, you are in one of the best cars and you're starting third, so shut up." Charles snapped back.

"Hey, just because you're in a bad mood about Pierre doesn't mean you need to be rude to me about it, I'm trying to help you." Max said.

"Yeah I know.. I'm sorry." Charles said, his eyes watering again. "It's not your fault I suck at driving."

"You don't suck at driving, Charles.. you're one of the best drivers out there, it's that your car isn't good.. that's it." Max smiled. "Now don't start crying again, or you'll make me cry.. and we don't want that."

"Yeah, I guess." Charles sighed.

. . . .

After the race tensions were high, Charles had finished fifth respectively but there were a lot of crashes and dnf's.

Pierre had gotten out on the ninth lap so I guess that meant that meant getting ahead of him wasn't a problem for Charles, but Charles was planning on talking to him after the race and it might not be the best idea to talk to him after he got out.

So Charles went back to his flat and slept, when he woke he saw 10 missed calls from Pierre and a voicemail. Puzzled Charles opened the voice mail.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you... so, come to my house when you get this."

Charles put some clothes on, grabbed his car keys and ran outside.

"Hey..." Pierre whispered, opening his front door letting Charles in.

Hey, what's up? Why did you call." Charles asked.

"I missed you.. and I wanted to apologize." Pierre said, sitting down on his bed.

"Apologize? For what? I was the one who ruined everything." Charles said.

"For making everything worse.. you kept apologizing and I didn't listen.. and that's stupid because I still love you." Pierre said quietly, looking down.

Charles looked up at him longingly, "you know I love you too, and you have nothing to be sorry for."  

Pierre placed his lips on Charles, instantly it felt like home. He had missed that feeling.

Once they separated Charles found himself wanting more, "Wow."

"Wow," Pierre responded, "I was stupid to not let you back. I mean.. look at that face." Pierre laughed, caressing Charles cheek.

They talked for hours about stuff before falling asleep in each others arms.

I'm really not happy with this one, but it's been a few days and I wanted to give you guys a chapter.

💛- C

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