Draco laughed again. "You were always shit at Astronomy."

"Shut up," Noah said, no real bite behind the words. He shuffled closer to Draco until the sides of their bodies were touching. "Show me again."

So Draco pointed again, and again Noah just saw normal stars. "I literally don't see anything," he groaned, burying his face in the crook of Draco's neck. Draco laughed again, and reached over to ruffle Noah's hair.

"Loser," he crooned affectionately. He slung an arm over Noah's shoulders. "Don't worry, it took me a while to find it, too. My mom says that even though it's so big, it's not so prominent. You have to look closer to find it."

Noah thought about how that applied to Draco as well. He glanced up at the side of the blond's face, taking in the dip of his cupid's bow and the sharp curve of his jaw. They were silent for a while, before Noah spoke. "Draco," he started. "I spoke with Pansy tonight." He felt Draco tense up. "About you. And your... feelings. Um, towards me. About your feelings in relation to me," Noah awkwardly clarified (in relation to me?? He thought. really Noah??), desperately hoping Draco would get what he was referring to and that he wouldn't have to quote Pansy.

Draco said nothing for a while, and Noah thought he had ruined everything, until Draco removed his arm. "I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore." Noah watched Draco's jaw set after he spoke the words, as if steeling himself for a brutal rejection.

"What?" Noah asked, confused. He removed his head from Draco's shoulder and pulled away so he could get a better look at the blond's face. Neither of them spoke.

He stared at Draco, trying to gauge his emotional state. It was clear he was starting to shut down. He thought Noah wouldn't want to be his friend anymore, because of what Pansy had said. Assuming they were both talking about the same thing. Noah hoped they were, otherwise he might be seriously misreading the situation.

"Noah," Draco started, voice low and breaking Noah out of his staring session. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" Noah asked, even though he knew what Draco was going to answer.

"Look at me so much." He kept his gaze on the view in front of them.

Noah knew the answer. Instead he asked, "Draco?"


Noah took a deep breath. "Can I kiss you?"

Noah swore time stopped as Draco's head turned to meet his eyes. It was now he'd find out if his feelings were reciprocated. He watched with bated breath, as Draco just stared at him, most likely trying to figure out if he was joking or not. Draco's eyes flickered downwards to his lips.

"Yeah," Draco breathed. "You can."

Noah could feel his heart trying to hammer out of his chest. He leaned in until he could feel Draco's breath ghost across his face. He looked at Draco eyes and then back down to his lips, silently asking once more if he wanted this. Draco closed his eyes and cupped Noah's jaw in response, leaning in until their lips finally met.

It was soft and sweet and the best thing Noah had ever experienced in his sixteen years of living. He wasn't quite sure what to do with his hands, his weird burst of confidence from earlier disappearing and leaving him suddenly a bit nervous. He let them rest gingerly on Draco's arms. He leaned in more, deepening the kiss. His lips tingled and it felt like he was walking on moonlight. He'd imagined kissing Draco several times before, but none of his conjured scenarios compared to the real thing.

Noah felt Draco start to smile before pulling away. He rested his forehead against Noah's, each of them wearing stupid grins on their lips. Draco's cheeks were dusted with pink, and Noah felt a happy surge of warmth bubble up in his chest. Draco stroked Noah's cheek with his thumb.

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