Lore and information

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One upon a time there was a magnificent kingdom. This kingdom was ruled by a wise and powerful Queen. Solaris Cendrila. This Wise and beautiful Queen gave birth to triplet princesses. Which posed an issue. The Queen did not want to be unfair give only one child her kingdom. So she came to a decision. On the day they came of age. The Queen split her kingdom into three parts and constructed three castles. She gifted each queen a castle and kingdom to rule over. These three Queens named their kingdoms and cemented their reign.

To the north the kingdom of Paricel rose up in the snowy mountains. Ruled over by the kind and wise Queen Melena Endre Cendrillion. Her people are a kind and generous race. Who give safe harbour to all species.

To the west the kingdom of Tekari. An arid landscape and many old ruins. Queen Andriette rules this land from afar. Leading her people on glorious adventures.
The people of this kingdom are a fun loving and adventurous sort who enjoy a good thrill.

To the east lies the Kingdom of Concora. Ruled by the Iron Queen herself, Gabriella. She rules over her land with a strict hold.
The kingdom is very militaristic and ambitious.  Aiming to expand its borders when ever possible.
The most advance of the kingdoms due to a nearby discovered Sronulii Ruin

This world has many strange inhabitants.
Humans make up a majority of the population. Strong. Smart and durable. They make excellent warriors and adventures.

Malis. Are human like creatures that posses traits of various animals. They have tough skin and keen senses and can use their animal traits in hundreds of unique ways.

Tarikas. Fast, agile and small these former forest dwelling imps are a terror on the battle ground. They have large eyes capable of seeing far i front of them and large bat like ears. Capable of picking up even the faintest sound. Their claws are sharp and retractable spikes run along their back. Reaching down to their tail. 

Tarimas are the result of a human and Tarikas cross breeding. They possess the skin colour of the human parent with splotches of skin belonging to the Tarika parent. They losses the eyes and large ears of a Tarika and rarely the tail. They do not possess the spikes but do possess weaker claws.

Are separated into two categories. magically Gifted. And gift-less.

Gift-less people are those born without magic inside their bodies.
Although they possess no magic gifts they are still capable of using magic itself. However. They can only use it through the use of Simura Crystals. Large gems that contain the elemental energy of the realm.

The crystals can be separated into 3 types.

Unrefined:  these are crystals that have yet to be refined or have been sold on the black market. They work like normal crystals but after their power is drained they will shatter.   Leaving them unusable.

Refined: refined Simura crystals last longer and can generate more powerful magic spells. Once they are fully drained they lose all Colour. Becoming grey and lifeless.

Pure: special Simura crystals pulled from the deepest depths of the planet. These crystals can often contain mixtures of magic and are powerful but unstable. They may work for a time but can often explode in the users face if not handled properly. Typically it's a rumour that those with the queens blood can control them with no issue.

Magically gifted individuals can preform magic with no need for assistance from any Simuras. They can generate the magic inside them and unleash it however they want. Most people will have one or two elements inside them. And can only use those. However they can also combine them for special magic effects.

Whilst they have no need for them, gifted can drain energy from the simura crystals and energy of that element and an energy boost. They can also do the opposite and fill up refined crystals that have been emptied.

Magic comes in a variety of forms.


The latter of which is so rare it's barely been seen.

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