What's Up With The Main Campus?!

Start from the beginning

His class asked him about the incident, concerned, but understood when he told them the truth about the events. Class A had apparently been given the duty of watching over him. They siddled over to him and chatted with him, and they even gave the E Class gifts and fawned over them and hugged them and-

Case in point. Class A had been acting weird.

It soon became too much for poor Kayano, because one day, during lunch, when it was just their class, she'd had enough.

"Okay," Kayano slams her hands on her desk. "Anyone notice Class A acting weird?"

"YES!" Maehara yells. "Thank god it's not just me. They're acting so weird."

"Yeeeees," Okano groans. "Like what."

The class agrees with nods and bewildered looks because Class A has been acting... Odd. Unusual.

"Heh," Karma scoffs. "It's not just the A Class."

3-E freezes.

"Wha...?" Isogai starts, eyes wide.

"Haven't you noticed? It's not just the A Class. It's the whole main campus," Karma says. "Class A, B, C, D, the senpais, even the senseis. They're all acting the same."

"No," Nakamura whispers, horrified.

"Yep," Karma pops his lips to the sound of the last letter.

Okajima thumps his head on his desk.


"Excuse me," Karasuma looks up from his paperwork to see four students standing there in front of him. "Do you know where Shiota is? We're supposed to hand this to him," A green haired student asks as he hold up papers of his own, belonging to Nagisa. "Ah," Karasuma nods. "Yes, I can direct you to him."

He leads them to Karma, who is sitting on a tree branch and leaning against the trunk, strawberry milk in hand. He looks at him before narrowing his eyes at the four students behind him. "What's up, Karasuma-sensei?" He asks.

"They're looking for Nagisa," Karasuma says bluntly. "They need to hand him some papers. You know where he is. Direct them to him."

Karma groans, protest on his tongue, but Karasuma doesn't leave him room for complaint. "Go," he says.

Karma sighs, rolling his eyes. He jumps from the tree, the students behind the teacher rushing towards him in panic. Karma lands safely on the grass, glaring at the four, before throwing his empty carton of strawberry milk in the trash and walking away.

The four students shuffle behind him quickly fussing over the redhead. Karasuma raises an eyebrow, before sighing and shaking his head.

Karma purses his lips as Sakakibara straightens his jacket and Seo wraps an arm around his shoulders. Araki  grabs a strawberry milk carton from his bag and shoves it in Karma's hands as Koyama hovers just above his left shoulder. Karma is annoyed, very much so, but he refuses to say anything.

"Oi, Nagisa!" He yells out when they reach the blue haired boy, who'd been sitting and attempting to tie up his his hair in the usual pigtails (his hair had gotten messed up during training). Nagisa looks up, smiling at Karma, before giving the four virtuosos without their leader a cautious look. "Shiota," Sakakibara says gracefully. "We brought you some papers from the principal."

"The principal?" Karma raised an eyebrow. "What does he need to give Nagisa?" Seo shrugs. "Beats us, Akabane. We're just the messengers."

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