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|When they get there bitches|
Eddies pov|
I've never seen Stan so scared or hurt,does he love bill?
|Stans pov|
No I can't let him die I love him I wanna be with him but I just don't kno why he would kill himself!!
•When they get in the room•
Eddie: I miss him already in it's not even a hour later when he did it..
A small little denbrough comes to the room'
Georgie: hey Eddie, Ben, mike, Hey Beverly!, and hi Stan:(
Stan: hey Georgie
Georgie: I tried to stop him in take the pills from him but he locked the door in I had to kick the door down ^he sniffles^
Stan: it's ok Georgie
Georgie: a-and he had a note to give to the losers:( >Here eddie<
Note says_
Dear losers , im sorry for what did im pretty sure the eddie told u what happened.
If Georgies reading this I want him to. Kno
That I love him. I kno I don't show it but he's the best brother . Stan ,I'm sorry for not telling u when I was breathing . Richie my man keep your head up bro u got Ed's that needs u super much, Ben in Beverly y'all are the sweetest straight couple I have seen u two were meant for each other , mike u will find love soon my friend but u gotta find the
right person , from your friend no like brother , bill denbrough.
Stan had tears in his eyes•
=Georgie cried=
Bills mom called for Georgie , Georgie hugged all the losers then went with his mom.
Eddie: why bill!!! Why did u overdose again!!!!
Not too long all the losers left but Stan-
Stan: bill please wake up I'm nothing with out u• Stan kisses bill head then went home .
Note: sorry for the confusion LOL anyways 
Bill will not die he will come alive everytime he tries to kill  himself  actually if any of the losers tried to kill them selfs they will be alive again

Note: sorry for the confusion LOL anyways  Bill will not die he will come alive everytime he tries to kill  himself  actually if any of the losers tried to kill them selfs they will be alive again

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