⠀ you can use lifa's quantum browser to browse the internet and use the apps on other realities. you can choose between your desired reality, old reality or any other reality you created. every single post you make travels in energy and arrives in normal letters/images in other realities in 0.5 yoctosec. you can normally communicate with people without any errors or glitches. you can also choose which website or app from which reality you want to connect with. eg. if you choose this reality's amino, you can then browse it from your wr/dr.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ · TELEPORTER ˚Ն◎֊

you visualize or think where you want to go whilst pressing the (teleport where) button, and lifa takes you there in 1 second. while visualizing you; from 3rd p. perspective, your body will glow white and quickly fade. From 1st p. perspective, you will simply see a white glow that quickly fades once you arrive at your destination. nobody witnesses/remembers your teleportation, everyone 3km around you will think they never saw you. cctv cameras will glitch the exact moment you teleport.


♡ only available for meeting/waiting rooms. (for ppl who wanna shift their friends while being in their dr, you can quickly make a meeting room to shift your friends to.) You can create a person (by visualizing how they would be) and spawn them in your mr/wr. if you want to spawn someone from your cr/old reality, you type 'I want to spawn (their name)' in the spawner. you can choose for them to be a clone or to actually shift the person to where you are. The success rate is 100% high. the person will 100% safely shift when they fall asleep. for meet ups (mr or wr): you and the person can both shift to your desired realities when you click to have you and friends shift (an extra feature that will help your friends shift). your friend will also automatically have lifa on their phone/device whether they scripted it or not (with their desired appearance). you and your friends can merge realities on the spot, or can go to the same desired reality.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ · NATAL CHART ˚Ն◎֊

you can select which life/ reality's natal chart you wanna see. lifa offers a personalized detailed description of your chart and personality. The chart is 100% accurate. you can also select to look at anyone's natal chart. lifa will show a list of everyone you know. it is divided into 5 categories (friends, family, acquaintances, classmates/coworkers, celebrities).

DESIGN⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

when the design option is clicked, it brings the user to the screen in the picture below. all features of this topic are listed.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ · RESET ˚Ն◎֊

⠀♡ only available for waiting rooms. you can choose to reset your waiting room, or you can choose to reset your dr script/design. When you reset your waiting room, the room glows and becomes a white room with no windows and only your bed with your laptop and phone on it.

⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ · ROOM DESIGN ˚Ն◎֊

♡ only available for meeting/waiting rooms. with room design you can build your waiting room similar to the sims 4, but with realistic graphics (100% similar to real life)you can insert various images of rooms (eg. pinterest, weheartit) and choose which type of room they'd be (bedroom, bathroom, etc). lifa will automatically generate the room in 3d and you can adjust the position of each object and can add more objects. you can insert pictures of items and furniture to convert it to a 3d object in the app, so that you can add it to the room. lifa offers more than 50,000 objects and 1,000 houses for you to choose from 50% of them according to your aesthetic (lifa will automatically know what aesthetic you have), but similar to the sims, you can download custom objects and houses from the lifa wr/dr house store (free). You can make custom objects by visualizing them with the lifa crown on, or by describing them (color, aesthetic, etc), or by drawing them (no drawing skills needed as lifa is connected to your subconscious). you can simply describe the aesthetic of your waiting room and insert pictures with your desired theme (does not have to be house pictures) and lifa will generate your waiting room according to it. you can choose anything from lighting to wallpaper and flooring (it's basically the sims 4's build mode but 1 trillion times better). When you click save, it will save your wr to my gallery, and then you can click "import" to transform your waiting room. you will go unconscious for 2 seconds and will wake up to your designed room.

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