Chapter 10: Surprise!

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Sam's POV

I woke up the next morning at a weird place. Then I realized where I was. I was at Jakes house. I looked under the blanket. I brought the blanket back down. It was true. Jake and I. Had sex last night. I smiled. Then something started to happen. This thing started happening to me. I grabbed Jake not sure what was happening. He looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"Baby. Go back to be come on." He said trying to pull me to lay down. "Babe come on." He said a little annoyed yet amused.

"Babe. I can't. What's happening." He shot up and realized what was going on.

"I-I don't know. Let me get Danny.(I think that was the alphas name I kinda forgot lol. If it's wrong I'll fix it.) Jake ran downstairs and came back up with him.

"What exactly did you to do last night?" We both looked at him. I was in pain, he was in in pain from looking at me in pain.

"Never mind I think I already know." He sighed. "She's transforming. She becoming full wolf. But there's a downside to that." He said getting quiet.

"Which is?" We both asked. He looked at us.

"It's that." We were about to ask what he meant when I saw a bright light. Then I passed out. Seconds later I woke up in a cold dark room. This was NOT Jake's room. Nor his house. So where exactly was I? I got up and started walking around.

Jake's POV

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE DID SHE GO?!" I screamed at Danny. My mate just disappeared and he's telling me to calm down.

"Jake. You need to chill. She is just at the werewolf committee. She has business to take care of." He said with a sly grin. I shoved him against the wall blocking his neck. He had little air.

"What do you mean business to take care of?" I snarled at him. He sighed. I knew I had won.


Louis's POV

I smiled at the werewolf committee. They knew I was half werewolf and half vampire. I smiled when Sam walked in.

"Sammantha! Thank you for joining us." She looked up at me and froze. I smirked.

"Uh." She awkwardly laughed. "Uh yeah so I'm just gonna go and find my mate. So I'll catch you later." She said and made a run for the door. God her new werewolf senses were fast. I got up and ran after her. Being faster than her I got her before she left.

"I don't think so." She sighed. She grabbed my neck and threw me across the room. She laughed and jumped up and down.

"I didn't know I could do that. Man being a wolf is bad ass!" She covered her mouth and giggled. What she didn't know was that Melissa had entered the room. Melissa grabbed her and put her in a position where she couldn't move at all. I trained her well.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I said clapping my hands together. "Sam. Have you met MY mate. Melissa?" She turned her head slightly. Her jaw dropped. Melissa let go of her.

"Sam?" Tears were forming in her eyes. Wait. What is going on? Did I miss something?

"Melissa?" Sam asked you tell she was about to cry. They hugged each other and started crying. The council looked at me and I shrugged. I had no idea what was happening. Melissa looked at me.

"Louis. This is my step sister. I can't hurt her." My jaw literally dropped. She's her what?!

"Yeah. Louis next time do some background check." She turned towards Melissa. "Wanna meet my mate?!" Sam squealed. Melissa got a huge smile on her face.

"YES!" She squealed even louder than Sam. Then I heard something. Everyone's head jerked towards the door. Before I knew what was happening I was pinned against the wall. By Jake? Of course!

"Jake. It's so nice to see you." His grip tightened. I struggled for air.

Jake's POV

"Jake?" I heard a small voice asked. My head turned. I dropped Louis to the floor. I saw my mate. Nothing seemed to be broken nor hurt. I smiled at her.

"Sam." I sighed with relief. She ran to me and I picked her up. I held her in my arms and then spun her around.

"I thought I lost you. Then Danny told me you had business to take care of here" I said putting air quotes when I said business. "He didn't tell me the business was with Louis though." She looked at me and smiled. She kissed me. It was a long passionate kiss. I smiled in the kiss. I could feel her smile to.

I put her down slowly. "Jake. You will never loose me. I'm your mate. And you're my mate. I couldn't loose you if I tried." She giggled at the last part. I saw a girl behind her in a awe state.

"Sorry hello." I said to her. Sam turned around and laughed.

"Oh. Sorry." Sam giggled. "Babe. This is Melissa. Melissa this is Jake." Melissa came up to me and circled around me. She checked me out twice. Umm? What the fuck? She turned back towards Sam.

"Well. He's good looking. Obviously loves you." She looked me over one more time. "I approve. He's gonna make an amazing mate for you Sam. Congratulations!" She squealed. They squealed together. I plugged my ears in pain. They looked at me. Sam gave a apologized kind of look.

"I'm sorry." She gave me a pouty face. I looked at her and pulled her close. I kissed her lip that was pouted out. I took it in my mouth and she moaned a little. I kissed her.

"Baby. You don't have to apologize. You will always be forgiven. No matter the action." She smiled. She kissed me. Sam looked around. She waved to Melissa. She smiled and nodded.

Sam looked at me. "Baby. Can we go home now?" I looked at her and nodded. Her being a werewolf and everything she could run faster. She still couldn't go in wolf form but I was gonna help her train and what not.

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