Truth, Dare, or Drink

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Less than 30 minutes after the show, Rhea, Kyle, Adam, Bobby, Shotzi, and Damian were all piled into my living room.

"How did I get roped into hosting this?" I asked as Rhea sat two bottles of tequila on the coffee table along with a bowl of lime wedges and another bowl of salt.

"We figured, if we were all going to crash here anyway then we could just skip the whole bar thing." Kyle explained as he sat down a bottle of Jack Daniels and a tray of various glasses, including six shot glasses.

"Well if I'm going to have to sit through all the drinking then I'm going to, at least, be comfortable." I huffed then went upstairs. I came back a few minutes later wearing leggings and an oversized sweater. I took down my hair as I descended the stairs and shook out the loose waves.

"What?" I asked when I noticed that Damian was staring at me.

"Dramatic much?"

I shrugged. "Wasn't trying to be."

I scanned the room looking for a place to sit. My eyes fell to Bobby. He was staring at me until he noticed me looking back at him. He swallowed hard then looked the opposite way. I watched as Shotzi tried to sit next to him on the couch, but Rhea caught her midaction.

"Shotzi! Come sit with me!" Rhea patted the seat between her and Damian. Shotzi's eyes flitted up to Damian for half a second before she crossed the room and plopped down between them. Maybe it was just me, but she was sitting much closer to Damian than seemed necessary. I smiled to myself.

I took the seat next to Bobby and leaned back, completely exhausted.

"Scooch over." Adam stood beside me and made a move over motion with his hand.

I glanced over to where Kyle was sitting...where I was sure that Adam had been sitting too. I sighed, but moved closer to Bobby anyway.

"Let's play a game!" Kyle announced once everyone was settled.

"Truth or truth?" Rhea asked as though she was thoroughly unimpressed.

Kyle shook his head. "We aren't in a crowded bar. We can play truth or dare."

I rolled my eyes. Rhea shrugged, "sounds fun."

I glared daggers at her. She smiled innocently. She was not innocent.

"Whatever." Adam shrugged just as nonchalantly as Rhea. I glanced between them. They seemed much too in sync.

"I'll start!" Kyle said. He poured a round of tequila shots. "You can choose truth, dare, or pass. If you pass then you drink. If you pass a dare that involves drinking then you have to take two shots."

Me and Bobby and Shotzi all groaned. Kyle smiled, clearly proud of himself for the annoying rules.

"Now, Shotzi. Truth or dare."

"Dare." she said quickly.

"Remove any three pieces of clothing."

Shotzi rolled her eyes. She kicked off her shoes, then pulled her cropped hoodie over her head. She let it fall into Damian's lap. He smirked. Shotzi paused then looked down to study herself. She was still wearing a shirt, a pair of sweatpants-which she somehow made look like runway worthy fashion, and socks. She kicked off her socks. Then raised her hands.


Everyone laughed as she considered her choices carefully.

"Adam," she smiled at him. He raised his eyebrows at her. "Truth or dare?"

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