『 C H A P T E R 18 : ARMIN ARLET 』

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It was just a coincidence when Ireen stumbled into a small blonde kid with coconut hair style being kicked in the stomach. She could see the obvious blood trickled from the cut on his cheek, before her stares redirected to the three bullies ahead. Looked like they were 3 to 4 years older than the blonde boy.

Ireen was totally disgusted by their behaviour.

Took notice of her presence that stood there watching them, one of the bullies with combed upwards hairstyle sneered, ushered her to move along and ignore them. Meanwhile the other two were laughing and tearing packets of food after snatching them from the boy's hands, and ate them without an ounce of guilt. 

"Give them back! Please!"

Sobs echoed silently from the blonde boy.

"Sure, you want it? Here you go."

One of them spatted out the half chewed food from his mouth, laughing rudely at the crying blonde.

Ireen took few steps forward, notifying them her presence is not to be ignored.

"What are you guys doing?" She breathed out lowly. Her head hung low and her fringes covered one eye.

"Huh? What do you want little girl? Just go back home..."

"Yeah.. Go back and learn to cook, bitch."

The two bullies sneered. The other one smirked and laughed harder, almost snorted like a pig.

Ireen blatantly ignored their calls and threats as she continued walking. When she got too close one of them grabbed her by the shoulder, shouting "oii!!" but in a flinch Ireen snatched the wrist and twisted his hand forcing him to turn forcefully with his back  facing her now. He screamed due to the pain and as Ireen pressed harder the twisted arm against his back his cries became louder. 

She then kicked his back hardly sending him kissing the dirty ground.

The other two bullies snapped from their paralyzing shock but two kicks made immediate contact to their stomach in a blink of eyes sending them to the ground too.

Ireen dropped her kicking feet calmly before turning to face the crouching bullied boy, offering her hand to help him to stand.

The boy eyed her in fright, hesitated to accept her hand.

Seeing that, Ireen reached out to his own wrist and pulled him up immediately. The boy squeaked despite Ireen calmly rubbed soothing circular motion on his wrist with her thumb.

"Are you oke--"

"You damn bitch!!" A loud scream boomed interrupting Ireen's word as she turned. The three bullies were back to their feet and Ireen took a step backwards protecting the boy.

"You bitch, do you want to fight that badly?"

"I'm gonna kill her."

"Let's do this."

"S-stop, please d-don't hurt her..." The blonde boy squeaked. He tried to leave Ireen's protecting arm but got stopped. A basket was then pushed to his chest as Ireen looked at him.

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