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Homecoming is next month, and of course there will be voting for the homecoming queen. Which I hate, some runners for homecoming queen is so annoying. They be like be popping out in the hallway or room out of nowhere just to give us flyers with their face on it. Specially, Megan. That girl is so obsessed and will do anything just to be the homecoming queen or even the prom queen winner.

People in the campus are staring at me, aren't they have job or homework's to do?

"Taylor! Taylor!" Eowyn shouts as she come running to me.

"What?" I asked her when she finally reached me. "Someone signed you up for the homecoming queen!" she reports and breathing rapidly.

"WHAT?!" I shout in shock. So that's why they are staring at me. "Do you know who did it?" I lowered my voice.

"I don't know Tay, that's why I told you 'someone'!" she makes an apostrophe sign at the last word. "Oh, bullshit this." I groan.

I don't like this.

"Hey, I didn't know you signed up for homecoming." Liam tease. "Oh shut up Li, you know I don't like homecoming. I may turned into a girly girl but her personality doesn't change." I said and continue to read my textbook.

Someone taps my shoulder at the back, and it was Louis. "Don't worry Taylur, we'll help you." Louis smiles at me. "Thanks, but no thanks guys, i'll tell the guidance chancellor to remove my name on the list." I smile back at him. "No, Tay. Why won't you give it a try? We are so sick of Megan, winning." Niall laughs and the other boys agree. Good thing Harry wasn't with us or else Niall will go home with a broken bone. "Yeah, right." I laughed with the guys.

The bell rings and we took our things. "I'll think about it, guys. Bye!" Then I walk away from them.


I was thinking about this homecoming thing, maybe it isn't a bad idea. I'm just scared that i'll just embarrass myself in front of the others. But my friends are by my side right? So, why not.

I saw them hanging out in the library with the boy I bumped. What the hell? That guy? And the guys on the library? This is new!

"Hey guys!" I waved at them. "Hey Tay!" They said in unison, "So have you met, Matty?" Liam asked pointing to the guy named Matty with glasses. "Oh, so your name is Matty. Okay, I'm Taylor." I stare at him awkwardly. "Sorry about being rude to you the other day, friends?" he apologized and sticking out his hand for a handshake, which I gladly accept. "I'm sorry for being a bitch to you too." I smile at him and sat beside him.

"So, what is the answer Miss Swift?" Niall asked, "What?" I don't know what he's talking about "The answer!" he said giving me a hint. "Oh that! Ummm...." I have a last minute decision and all of the guys were staring at me.

"I-i think..."




One of the BoysHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin