17: Hui/Wooseok

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*During the making of "You Like," a song in their new album WE:TH*

Hui: *sleep deprived* I got it! Ahh, a nice soft piano melody will go so great with this song! Now I just need to see Wooseok's lyric rough draft.

Hui: where could he possibly be-

Wooseok: *bursts into the studio* HYUNG

Hui: oh! Wooseok, there you are! What were you doing just now?

Wooseok: I....have been listening to eternally by TXT......FOR 7 HOURS STRAIGHT.

Hui: O-oh....that's a little concerning....did you get the lyrics done during that time...?

Wooseok: oh, yeah I did.

Hui: okkkk, so pass them over, I'm trying to make it work as a soft song for the album y'know?

Wooseok: *scoots down beside Hui and holds the mouse* Hyung I have an idea.

Hui: what are you-

Wooseok: Trust me. just read over the lyrics and you'll understand. This may be the greatest idea I've had since I dyed my hair green.

A/n: Both these songs are absolute bAngErs, also click bait in song form. If you've ever listened to Eternally by txt....oh boy "You like" is like their long lost brother ;-;

Listen to "You Like" by Pentagon tho, very good song.

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