"Dad, Mum, this is Draco, Ronald's brother," Hermione said. All the usual handshaking and how-do-you-doing happened as they left the station for the car park.

"So you must be one of them too, are you Draco?" Ann Granger asked, nodding knowingly.

Hermione braced for Draco to fly off offended at the suggestion he might be anything other than a wizard, but he managed to smile and say, "Yes. Our whole family. In fact, yours will be the first non-magical home I've ever visited, and I'm afraid I may need some coaching. Please pardon me in advance."

Ronald and Hermione both gaped at his uncommonly gracious reply.

"What?" he said.

Even though Draco had told the Grangers he was out of his element, they didn't understand the extent of it and neither did he. Ronald and Hermione rushed ahead of him as they approached the car, Hermione opening the door and sliding inside, Ronald pushing Draco after her to keep him safely seated in the middle, between them. Thanks to Arthur Weasley, Ronald knew all about cars -- or thought he did.

Draco folded himself into the Granger's Toyota, eyes wide, pushing at the low ceiling with his hands, glancing around the alarmingly small space and the very complicated looking buttons and levers surrounding the steering wheel. As Ronald slammed the door closed behind himself, the three of them were squashed together, Draco grunting as he was compacted from both sides. Hermione had the presence of mind to grab the buckle of Draco's seatbelt before he sat down on it and she passed it across his lap for Ronald to fasten for him.

"Get off," Draco hissed at him. "What are you grabbing at my arse for?"

"It's Muggle law," Ronald hissed back.

"What kind of sick -- "

"Hush, Malfoy," Hermione interjected, "you have to belt yourself to the car for safety. The clip for it is on the seat behind you."

He snatched the buckle out of Ronald's hand and fought for a minute to find the other end for himself before giving up and dropping it between his knees."It's no use. I'll just hang on." He was linking his arms through Hermione's.

"Oh for star's sake," she said, picking up the seat belt and leaning over him. He was perplexed but no longer angry when she all but hugged him as she clicked the belt into place. His hand rose between them, unseeable to anyone else, and caressed a lock of her hair as she settled back into place. Had she even noticed?

"There. Now behave yourself." Yes, she had.

Ronald was muttering. "Oh, so it's just me who's not allowed to grab your arse. Is that it?"

"Maybe it is," Draco murmured back.

"Alright back there your three? It's a bit small for a full load," Ann Granger called as she climbed into the driver's seat. Tim Granger was ignoring them, babbling nonsense words of comfort to Crookshanks through the window in his carrier as he held it in his lap.

"Oh, it's fine. We're all siblings here, or just as good as," Hermione chirped.

Draco didn't know about rearview mirrors and did not hide his look of disgust when she implied something sisterly between them. Ann did not fail to notice. She smirked into the mirror. "First time in a car, Draco? Well, nothing to be nervous about. Off we go."

Driving itself was quite pleasant for him. Ann drove as quickly and aggressively as London traffic would allow, but he liked speed and quick changes in direction, especially when they sent him shifting into Hermione. When they got to the Granger's house he fumbled his seat belt again, eyeing her hopefully until Ronald clicked it open for him crowing, "There you go, little one."

Between the Malfoy Brothers - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now