Jimin pursed his lips, thoughtfully. "Why did you tell me all this?"

"Because" There was a glint in Ryuu's eyes that had Jimin bracing himself, wandering if Ryuu was all that he seemed to be. "I've been watching you. And from what I gather, you have a friend inside there who you want to talk to"

Jimin gulped. This kid was cunning.

"And what about it?" he asked, voice void of any emotion.

"Don't act like you don't know" Ryuu scoffed. "I can give you information about that tower you wouldn't be able to gather in a few days. In exchange, I need you to take me in too"

"You led me on to believe you were being nice, didn't you?" And he got caught so neatly into the trap. Ryuu would just need to exclaim about his fraud identity and Jimin would be done for. Ryuu, on the other hand, could lie about his situation. Jimin's hold on him wasn't strong enough. Not when the boy could lie his way out of it.

"One thing about me is" Ryuu had a determined look etched on his face. "If it's a way forward, you best believe I'm going to take that opportunity"

In a split moment, Jimin knew what he was going to do.


Yoongi and Ryuu did not get on well with each other.

It was lunch break now, and Jimin had sprung Ryuu on to Yoongi and Hoseok, claiming that he was an informant. The two men had shared an uncertain look before nodding and grabbing themselves trays of food before sitting at a table.

"Explain" Yoongi had ordered.

So Jimin had obliged. Only for Yoongi to shoot daggers with his eyes at the seemingly uncaring kid eating opposite to him.

"You want us to help you" he monotonously said, eyes on the boy.

Ryuu looked up with a smirk. "Do you need hearing aids old man? You've been asking me that for the past five minutes"

Yoongi, much to Jimin's relief, ignored the jab. "You want us to risk our quest to help you" he deadpanned. Jimin frowned.

"It's not necessarily risking" Jimin protested.

"But it is" Yoongi's hard gazed landed on Jimin. "The more people, the more risky. The more quests, the more complicated. Also, there are guards even inside the tower, I presume. Are we going to multiply the number of guards we leave unconscious as well? That would leave more evidences"

Hoseok hummed in agreement.

Ryuu shrugged. "Have it your way and scrounge around for information then" with that, he picked up his tray and began walking away.

Jimin caught him by his wrist. "Wait"

Yoongi scowled and Jimin aimed a look at him. "We can't hang around forever, Yoongi. The quicker the better. And I'm pretty sure one of the seniors here have their eyes on me"

The Reaper didn't acknowledge that. Instead he focused on his food, only his tense shoulder giving away how much he resented the idea. But at least he didn't protest. Jimin made Ryuu sit back down, resenting the smug smirk the kid gave.

Hoseok sighed. "Right, kid" his eyes were utterly serious. "Tell us what you know"


He told them that the Prison on the Paradox was in the forest Idina, a much less harsher place than the Nyx of course, but still deadly, and that it was covered with a wall that ran almost sky-high. He told them that prisoners bought in are made to look at it from the ground to ensure that they feel hopeless and bound to the prison forever. And apparently, there was only one gate leading out of the prison. It was heavily guarded at all times. The prison wall that encased it assumed the general shape of a circle, and while the gate was at one side, right opposite to it was the Warden's mansion, surrounded by more higher-up soldier's quarters. The mess hall, where all serious decisions took place, was also right next to the Warden's mansion. The prison spread around the rest of the perimeter, spacious and yet very caged. Sometimes, the cells of prisoners were arranged so that they had no company next to them. Something done to avoid them hitching schemes up their shoulders.

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