Fallen Too Far

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They stared at each other for the longest time, each of them seemingly lost in the other's eyes, forming a little bubble where it was nothing but them.

Yoongi raised an arm, reaching out as if was going to touch Jimin and the human waited with bated breath, heart almost palpitating-

Until Yoongi seemed to come back to his senses and withdrew his arm to scratch the back of his head awkwardly, cheeks red. "I...I will head out now"

Jimin shook his head a bit, resolutely denying the fact that he felt a bit disappointed and smiled. "Yeah. Stay safe. And eat" he added sternly and Yoongi rolled his eyes, despite his lips curving upwards at the corners.

"You have an unhealthy obsession with my diet" he mused.

"Well" Jimin crossed his arms over his chest. "Someone has to worry, if you insist on ignoring it like the idiot you are"

Yoongi laughed, this time a genuine one that made Jimin's stomach flop, and ruffled Jimin's hair. "Fair point"

Jimin would be lying if he said that he didn't touch the top of his head and smile widely to himself after Yoongi had gone.


It came as a surprise, when Jimin was just day dreaming on the couch after having unpacked all the vials and the medical equipment neatly on a shelf, that a bat flew right at him, dropping a rolled up paper on his lap. Blinking out of his daze, he held the parchment gingerly, a kind of excitement rumbling through him as he read the sender's name: Hoseok.

It had been almost a week without any contact with the man.


I hope you are doing well and Yoongi has not stepped out of line. And that you are forcing him to eat at least a meal per day.

Jimin winced, taking this to mean that Yoongi would go days on without eating.

They have confined us to our houses, and even sometimes, they read the letter sent by bats. I had to send the bat late at night to avoid that. And it may take some time for the letter to reach you because well, the bat cannot create a portal, you know?

I hope the count ends before a month passes by. I kind of miss having someone to bicker with.

And I may miss that horrifying cat too. A bit.

Jimin laughed out loud at that.

Just in case Yoongi, being the great oaf he is, did not tell you how to send a bat, all you need to do is write a letter and roll it up small enough so the bat can grip it and tell it the name of the person who you want the letter delivered to.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Lips stretched in a wide smile, Jimin scrambled to find a piece of paper and a pen immediately.


I'm doing great and Yoongi's being so nice to me. Although he's not in the house that much because he's out looking for something.

I've managed to get him to eat too, by the way. He grumbles but he ends up eating anyway.

And yes, I miss you too and I'm sure Mochi misses having someone to terrorize.

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