Nothing lasts forever

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Harvey stood up and went to the nearest trash can and threw up the few contents he ingested that day. After wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he finally spoke.

"Yes, that is Paula."

"Wait a second! You all know Dr. Agard?" Samantha asked, not addressing anyone in particular in the room, but still waiting for a response.

"Well... yes, she is—" Louis started, but again couldn't finish his sentence.

"She's my wife, Samantha."

Donna realized the blonde hadn't seen Paula floating around and Harvey has been working at the firm for a brief time. Both women had never crossed paths.

"Holy shit!" Samantha exclaimed and started pacing around the room. She didn't know what to think. Harvey had always seemed loyal to her, but she couldn't imagine what he would do to protect his own wife.

Harvey sensed Samantha wasn't comfortable with him knowing so much about the case anymore. He felt sick to his stomach. He'd been sat next to Donna, watching her relive these horrific events, and finding out who was responsible, the woman he'd shared a life with for the past months... He couldn't help but feel even more guilty. He didn't know about her past like he thought he did.

When they started dating — about nine months after Donna's 'death' — Paula told him she had just come back from England. She was taking part in some kind of psychological research there and moved to New York when her bosses offered her the opportunity to work from anywhere she wanted. He just figured she wanted a new challenge, but now he wasn't so sure of it.

"Samantha, I—" Harvey started, but Samantha was too rattled to let anyone speak.

"I just need silence! I really need to think now." Samantha had fire in her eyes. She couldn't think straight while he was talking.

Harvey's heart was hammering through his ribcage. Samantha couldn't think he had anything to do with this, could she? Did she really assume he was a spy?

Louis moved to the door to make sure no one else would hear them.

"Samantha, I don't think..." Donna tried to reason but was also interrupted. She touched Harvey's arm and stared him in the eyes. Trying to comfort him somehow.

"Everybody, just... wait here!" Samantha raised both hands to make a point. She glanced around as if looking for something. Exhaling, she sidestepped Louis and left the conference room to go to her own office. Louis, Harvey and Donna looked at each other, not understanding what Samantha was searching for.

Louis sighed and threw himself at the nearest chair. He had a pounding headache and couldn't take in what he had just seen in video.

He had not only seen one of his best friends being tortured to breaking point, but also learned one of his friend's wife was responsible for it. Donna was one of the strongest people he knew, and seeing her break like that made his blood boil.

Waiting for the other lawyer to come back, Donna broke the silence.

"Harvey, I know what Samantha is thinking, but I don't believe you had anything to do with what happened to me." She didn't suspect, not for one second, Harvey knew about Paula's involvement. Maybe everything was just a cosmic coincidence.

He released the breath he didn't notice he was holding. If Donna thought he was involved in his wife's apparent double life, he knew he would have crumbled. He could take anyone doubting him, but with Donna it was different. He couldn't understand why or how or when their life had become such a colossal mess. Before he could respond to Donna, who was still touching his arm, Samantha came back with a cardboard box in hand.

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