Diagon Alley and School Shopping

Start from the beginning

Harry looked at Rishi's hand and saw a ring "You guys do the same thing."

Rishi nodded "Don't worry. Worst thing is that the rings will burn you a bit."

The teller laid the rings of the desk "Start when ready."

Harry grabbed the first ring, which had the Potter crest. He slipped it on. His fear grew for a moment before settling when nothing grew. He continued the process, grabbing the Gryffindor ring, then the Emrys ring, followed by Peverell, Slytherin and Black rings. No pain occurred.

The teller nodded "You are the rightful lord or heir for these houses congrats. I'll get your account manager."

The teller disappeared returning with another goblin "This is Ragnok, your account manager."

Ragnok gestured for the 3 to follow him. He took them to a conference room where they sat down "We have lots of business to discuss. We haven't gotten replies to our letters."

"What letters" Harry asked.

"We send you monthly account reports" Ragnok replied "They detail your finances."

Mr. Gopal pursed his lips "Can we see a complete overview?"

Ragnok nodded and handed them a sheet.

Potter Vault

1,500,000 galleons to the Weasley Vault - Authorized by Albus Dumbledore

200000 galleons to the Order of the Pheonix Vault - Authorized by Albus Dumbledore

When he saw their confusion, Ragnok clarified "The other vaults have seen no withdrawls."

Harry still looked confused "Who gave this guys permission to do this?"

Ragnok shook his head "He gave himself permission. He declared himself your magical guardian. However, you have the power to fire him and declare someone else your magical guardian until you are emancipated."

"If he isn't emancipated" Rishi began "How can he claim is lordships?"

"Normally you can't" Ragnok answered "But, he is the last remaining member of each line. Therefore he can claim them but not be emancipated."

Harry nodded "I'd like to fire Albus Dumbledore from his role as my magical guardian. I'd also like to declare Mr. Gopal as my magical guardian."

Ragnok smiled "Of course Lord Potter."

Harry looked at him, confused "Lord Potter?"

Rishi smiled "As the head of your house, we have to refer to you as Lord Potter. For example, my dad is Lord Gopal."

Ragnok nodded "The second order of business is what to do with your other houses. You can either combine them or leave them be."

Harry thought for a moment then asked "Are there differences between each house."

"Yes" Ragnok "There are different levels of houses. It'll take long to explain though."

Mr. Gopal nodded "I can help with that. I can teach you."

Harry smiled "I will postpone my decision until I better understand."

Nodding, Ragnok continued "Next, you need to declare a proxy for your seats on Wizengamot, our legislature."

Harry smirked "Easy. Lord Gopal, can you be my proxy? I trust you will act in my best interest."

Mr. Gopal nodded in agreement "I accept this honor."

"Finally" Ragnok said "We have the will of James Charlus Potter and Lily Potter. You weren't available in the beginning for a reading so we never opened it."

The Last Will and Testament of James Charlus Potter and Lily Potter

Hey everyone! If you are reading this, Voldemort found us. Please know that Peter Pettigrew was our Secret Keeper

To Lupin, I give you 300000 galleons. Please, get better robes

To Sirius Black/Padfoot, I give you 3000000 and guardianship of Harry. Please take care of him and Remus

To Harry, we want you to know that we love you. We always will. If you want to talk, use the portraits at Potter Manor. WE gives you all our Gringotts vaults and the Potter Lordship. We love you.

If we pass, Harry must go to the following people, in order

Sirius Black

Remus Lupin

Frank and Alice Longbottom

Severus Snape

Jai and Deepa Gopal

Under no circumstances should he go to Petunia and Vernon Dursley.

Mr. Gopal looked shocked "Can we send a copy to Amelia Bones of the DMLE?"

Ragnok shrugged "Sure."

Harry looked between them "What's going on?"

Mr. Gopal sighed "Harry. It is believed that your parents were betrayed by Sirius Black. We all thought that he told He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named where your parents were. We also thought that he killed Peter Pettigrew. But, if Pettigrew was the Secret Keeper, Black may be innocent."

Harry's eyes widened "Where is he?"

Mr. Gopal looked down "In Azkaban, a high-security prison. They didn't even give him a trial. But, with this, we could get him out!"

Harry grinned "Really!"

Rishi also grinned "And, if they said not to put him with the Dursleys..."

Mr. Gopal laughed "We can get you out of there!"

Ragnok watched the trio with amusement "This should be interesting."

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