Fantasize?💭 Pt.2

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A/n: Uh okay so for this story you are friends with Aoko but you do not know Kaito

Btw I'm sorry if this part is a little short and a tad too cliche at the end, I have run out of ideas on the 2nd part, so I tried racking my brain to make the story longer and at the same time good as well. So ya, hope you enjoy! ;)

Your pov:

It was the next day after the incident at the mall and the heist, and was video calling your friend Aoko. You were sitting at your desk, sketching, while she was studying for her upcoming quiz. Yes, it was the next day. This meant that you had slept, meaning that you had have a dream. And yes, you had dreamt of that guy, for the fifth time now. As all dreams, you woke up with a terrible, un-curable headache, and you remembered about what happened. It was all vivid and clear in your head, and this one was rather special. 

You slowly paced into a building that looked somewhat like a shrine, and as usual, everything around you was greyed out. Nothing out of the ordinary in this dream. You were in normal colours. Still normal. And then you saw him, in normal colours as well, and he was returning your gaze. Expected. But then, something made you flinch a little. He was talking. "Wait, it is you again." He spoke, coming towards you. It wasn't very clear, but you could make out the words that came out of his mouth. "Yeah, it is me, and it's you again." You said audibly, walking towards him at the same time. You both stopped once you two were a little closer, standing around awkwardly. You broke the silence, saying,"It's crazy, isn't it...seeing each other in the same dreams, for five times in a row."You laughed nervously, trying to avert his capturing stare. "Yeah, I have never really heard of anyone dreaming about these kinds of things for a few times in a row." he replied, rubbing his neck. You shifted your feet, staring down. He stopped looking at you, after noticing that he was staring at you for a long time. You both stood there in awkward silence for a while, until it hit you. You had forgotten the most important question that you have been awaiting to ask for ages. You drew in some air, and said, "Wait, I forgot to ask. Who...are you?" He blinked, and nodded, as if signalling that he was about to ask the same thing. "Well, I am-" before he could finish, he was cut off by a black fog covering your eyes. And that was when you woke up, the sunlight from your window prying your eyes open. You sat up, a searing pain in your head. You held your head, groaning in annoyance. Your morning continued as usual, and back to the present:

"-so then I was like, "I'LL KICK KID'S ASS THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM! I'LL SHOW HIM WHAT I CAN DO!" Aoko voiced boomed from the laptop in front of you, but even her loud voice had failed to wake you from your trance.  She narrowed her eyes at you, her face read annoyance. She inhaled in a huge puff of breath, and screamed, "Y/N! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!" You broke free from your trance and jerked, letting out a "eep!". You shot a dirty glare at the owner of that voice through your screen, while she just giggled. "Geez Aoko, must you use your loud voice on me? Guess you inherited your interest of shouting from your dad." you mummbled, recalling Inspector Nakamori's constant ordering of the security guards at the heist yesterday. "Anyway, putting that aside-" Aoko said, trying to change the subject to a more "fun" one. "-what is getting you so caught up lately? Have you gotten a man that piqued your interest yet?" she laugh, wiggling her eyebrows at you. You just stared at her, trying to look blank, and raised an eyebrow. "Seriously Aoko? Do I look like the type that would get a boyfriend any sooner?" "Come on y/n~ You do have someone in mind, don't you? Literally almost everyone in our grade has their one and only in mind already. In fact, I already have one~" Aoko teased, which got you thinking of what guy she was into. "Oh, is it that new detective geek from London?" Aoko immediately stopped writing, her face flushed a crimson red, and shook her head violently. "D....DON'T CALL HIM THAT!HE'S ACTUALLY GREAT YOU KNOW!" This time it was you who wiggled your eyebrows, repeating her new nickname "Ms. Hakuba", which made her continuously turn red with embarrassment. "Honestly, you remind me of my friend Kaito." She pouted and let out a huge sigh. You blinked, upon hearing that unfamiliar name. "Who?" "Kaito Kuroba, my childhood friend. I think he is transferring to your school next week." Aoko put a finger to her chin, tapping the tip of it. 'Transferring to my school? Oh, so he was the student everyone was talking about recently.' you thought, chewing on your pencil. "He's super into magic, and is extremely perverted." Aoko started, narrowing her eyes at you. "But he's a good friend, I can say that. He can be really cold, but once you get to know him, he can be sweet, just like ice cream!" She smiled, as she picked up where she left off, scribbling on her notebook. The next few moments you both were in a comfortable silence, besides Aoko's asking you if you would want to see how Kaito looked like. But you turned down politely, reminding yourself that you would see this "Kaito" guy soon, despite literally dying of curiosity. You both continued to chat, filled with comfortable silences and carefree topics.

~Time skip, the next day~

You were ambling to your classroom, sketching and thrumming to yourself. You were in a good mood, considering that you broke the chain of strangely interesting dreams that cost you blinding headaches. You had woken up in bliss, headache free for the first time in five days. You were gratified, maybe a little overly gratified, to remember a certain something. You were too absorbed in drawing, to notice someone walking towards you, who seems to be too absorbed in what they were doing as well. Before you knew it, you slammed head first right into their chest. "Ow-" you yelped sub consciously, falling on your backside. Your sketchbook slipped from your arms, dropping on the floor, and flew open to the page that you drew the guy from your dreams on. That person did not fall, luckily for them. From their low but soothing voice, you assumed that it was a buy you bumped into. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking. Are you okay? Here, I think you dropped your-" he bent down, picking up the sketchbook you dropped, only to be startled by what was drawn on the page. He picked up the sketchbook and stood back up, gazing at the hand drawn picture perfect sketch before him. 'That' s weird, he sounds strangely.......familiar.' You pondered to yourself. A few awkward moments later, you came back to your senses, upon realising that that guy had seen the sketch, you flinched. 'Oh shoot.' You immediately pulled yourself together, standing up and dusting off your skirt, apologizing repeatedly." I'm so, so sorry! I was the one that wasn't looking! And don't mind what is on the sketchbook! I was-" you tilted your head up to face his, and was bewildered by the familiar face that was facing yours. He had messy brown hair, with indigo eyes, that your e/c eyes have met for four times in a row. With his startling similar features and height, it has to be nobody, but him. Both of your eyes widened at the sight of each other, mouth opened slightly.

"Wait, aren't you-"

~The End~

A/n: Heyy its me again! So ya I added a cliff hanger ending to this, and yes this ending was inspired by the anime movie "Your Name". I was thinking that if the story moved on further, it would be boring.

Oh yes! And I'm so so sorry about my in-Activeness recently! I've been busy lately, but fret not! I will be updating more often now, my school year is ending at the end of this week, thank God - ^ -, so yes I will be more active. And once again so sorry that this part is weirdly shorter than usual-

And yeah, see you next time!

Kaito Kuroba/ Kaito KID X Reader One shots [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now