Chapter 6

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Y/N's POV.

The six of us were walking through the forest under the darkness of the night that had come upon us.

Javi and Tripp were having their own conversation at the back as Jesus led the way while me and Conrad were walking together.

Clementine for some reason was away from us but I wouldn't bother with someone who I can't even trust.

Y/N: What even happened earlier? When me and Ele were gone.

Conrad: Well, I kinda got a little crazy and pulled a gun on Javi, his nephew and the girl.

Y/N: Why though?

Conrad: I don't even know why I did it, my gut just told me to try and convince them that we could use Clem as a bargaining chip.

Y/N: But that didn't go to plan, didn't it?

Conrad: Never did, but all I want now is to find the sonuvabitch who killed Francine.

Y/N: Then I'll be there to help then. She was like the a mother to me.

Conrad: She did do some mother-like shit to you, didn't she?

Y/N: Yeah, yes she did.

We continued walking until Jesus climbed up a rock and surveyed the area we were at.

Javi: What do you see up there, Jesus?

Jesus: The warehouse your brother is talking about is just a few clicks north.

We then hear walker growls around us.

Jesus: They're a few feet away from us, possibly a small herd.

Tripp: We can take out a few walkers.

Clementine: Don't get too cocky now.

Jesus then jumped down the rock and readied his hatchet.

We all continued walking north but as a group this time.

We then came across a group of walkers in front of us.

Tripp: Here come our smelly friends.

Jesus then proceeded to throw his hatchet at a walker, cutting its head in half as he ran up to it and pulled it out and used it to cut another walker's head in half.

Jesus: C'mon.

Tripp then pulled out his gun but kept the safety on as Javi got out his aluminum bat.

Me and Clementine took out our knives and started approaching the nearby walkers.

As a walker was making its way to me, I jumped up as high as I could and shoved the knife into the top of its head as it got on its knees from the weight I gave to it.

I pulled the knife out and kicked the knee of another walker and stabbed it in the side of its head.

I look to my left and see Tripp hitting a walker in the head with the barrel of his pistol, killing it.

Javi: Batter up, fuck face!

Javi proceeds to hit walkers in the head with his bat as me and Clementine take out a few other ones nearby.

Tripp: Let's get a move on!

We were able to clear the walkers and went back up north until more walkers came our way.

I walk up to a walker who was crawling towards me as I stomped on its head and killing it.

I turn around and saw Javi getting pinned by a walker on the ground and another one crawling its way towards him.

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