Hang Ups

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Emily POV 

I had dropped Melissa off at Sara's house and went to the office for another day of work. Even though it was Sunday, it was strictly a paperwork type of day so I knew I would be going straight to Sara's after work. Melissa was doing well but still had bad dreams about her parents murder, she thought it was her fault and blamed herself. She still loved her parents, which wasn't hard to believe. Kids have big hearts and can forgive and love over and over again. No matter what abuse Melissa sustained, she still loved her mom and dad. 

I tried to explain to her that it wasn't wrong to miss them and that she was not at fault for what happened to them. She really struggled with believing me, she thought I was just saying things to make her feel better and not because they were true. Sara told me she knew a child psychologist who could talk to her and get her to feel a bit better by speaking about what happened. She told me she'd get back to me with a name and a number. 

I walked over to my desk and started on the paperwork. I was annoyed with myself that I couldn't help her more. I thought it had to do with my lack of experience in the parent field but Sara kicked that idea out of my head. She told me what I probably would have told anyone else in my position, there is no such thing as a child handbook with all the right answers. That I was doing the best I could and should just be patient with Melissa. It had less to do with me and more to do with her trauma. 

I sensed eyes on me and didn't just want to look straight up, I had a feeling I knew where they were coming from and just couldn't deal with that at the moment. I snapped my band and tried to focus. JJ just kept interrupting my thoughts, not only did I have to deal with Melissa but I had to deal with JJ's endless staring like she obviously wanted to say something but couldn't get the words out. 

I was over it, all of it. I had gone past the denial stage and now I was just angry. I was pissed off with JJ and I wasn't going to forgive her any time soon. I needed to move on but working beside her made it so damn hard. Why couldn't she just leave me alone the way she left me alone the night I told her about wanting to adopt Melissa. She had no problem walking away then, what the hell was the difference now. I still had Melissa and wasn't giving her up so nothing would have changed. JJ still doesn't want another kid so I was confused as to why she even feigned interest. 

I got a text from Sara with a name and a number and an additional text saying they were waiting for my call. I got up and went to the restroom. 

I dialed the number and waited for an answer, "Um, Hi. My name is Emily Prentiss. Sara Lopez gave me your number...Right. So do you think you'd be able to make room for her? I'd appreciate it, really. Thank you. See you then." I went to the sink and put water on my face and wiped it off with a paper towel. 


I saw Emily receive a text and she look anxious. She went to the bathroom and was in there for a bit. I went to the bathroom to see if she was okay. When I opened the door she was wiping her face. I don't think she heard the door open so I spoke up, "Hey are you okay?"

She looked over at me and stepped back. "Yeah, all good."

I knew she was lying, "Em, are you sure? I'm here if you want to talk."

She shook her head, "Nah. I can't talk to you about this." She there the paper towel in the trash and started to walk away. 

I grabbed her wrist and forced her to look at me, "Em, you can talk to me about anything."

She pushed me away, "No JJ, I can't. You made that very strictly clear to me the day you broke things off with me."

"I never said you couldn't talk to me."

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