Chapter 8

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Geoff threw his parties on Friday nights when his parents went out of town for god knows what. His parents wouldn't return until Sunday, giving a good amount of time to clean up after each party. He was only ever caught once when he didn't clean the vomit in his shower.

Scott showed up relatively right when things were livening up. The music was already so loud, Scott could feel the vibrations as he stepped onto the lawn. He could already smell the alcohol from outside his car. He walked to the door and inside the house, where drunken teenagers danced and partied, dared each other to drink more and more, or were simply making out in the corner.

Scott made his way over to the drinking table. He instantly got dared to drink. And, since Scott wasn't one to turn down dares, he chugged the whole glass. After all, he just needed a night to black out.


Bridgette sat on the couch while she watched Geoff laugh and party. They hadn't spoken a word to each other since their fight after school that week. Bridgette knew that they were just going to end up together again, but is this really what she wanted? To be the girl who went on and off with her boyfriend for eternity?

Bridgette shook her head. She could focus on that later. She walked into Geoff's basement, where all the partygoers who weren't getting drunk were at. Mike and Zoey were playing ping pong against Sam and Dakota, Lightning was lifting weights with Sky, and Brody and Zeke were playing video games while Anne Maria and Justin watched. Bridgette decided to go visit with the gamers. She took a seat in one of the bean bag chairs. "Hey, guys!"

"Bridge!" Brody smiled at her. "What's up, dudette?"

Bridgette shrugged. "Who's winning?"

The round then ended, and Zeke grinned. "Me. I won."

Brody groaned, handing the controller to Anne Maria. 

Anne Maria grinned. "I'm gonna kick your ugly ass to the ground, Mutant Boy."

"Ooh, a new nickname. You must care~"

Anne Maria rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say."

Bridgette shook her head with a grin. Anne Maria and Ezekiel had always had this weird sort of friendship with one another that Anne Maria refused to acknowledge. Ezekiel never seemed too bothered by that, though. Bridgette turned her attention to the screen, trying to forget about Geoff for the time being.


Eva knew it was a bad idea to come to this party. She didn't like big crowds, and Izzy's tics worsened when she was in highly social situations. But, Cody wanted to come, and Noah was obviously going if Cody was going, so here they were.

Eva sat outside with Izzy, who was drinking out of a beer bottle. "You shouldn't drink that, Izzy."

Izzy shrugged, clicking her tongue a few times before speaking. "I heard alcohol helps with tics.."

"You still shouldn't be drinking."

"Why not?" Izzy's arm jerked as a tic, causing her drink to spill.

Eva smirked a bit. "That's why.."

Izzy set her bottle down, suddenly patting Eva's face. Eva knew it was a tic, so she just stared at her girlfriend and waited for the tic to be over.


Cody wanted to leave. 

Why had he even wanted to come here in the first place?

He had talked to Geoff, who was drunk as fuck, and that was enough to get him to want to leave. That and the vomit that was already around. But, he had lost Noah. 

He headed downstairs, finding the non-drinkers hanging out. This would be a good place to hang out until he felt it was safe enough to look for Noah again. He simply stood behind everyone until Eva came in, a passed out Noah on one shoulder. She told him it was time to go, and was he ever happy with that.


Dave got drunk and tried to announce his love for Sky. She simply ignored him from downstairs.

Sugar filmed the entire thing.

High School Never Ends (A TDI High School AU) (OLD) (Rewrite in progress)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang