Chapter 4

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Gwen sat in the stands with Courtney and Trent as Gwen took photos of the track runners practicing. Eva also sat close by, watching Izzy, who waved at Eva before starting to run with the others.

"Do you want me to take a photo of Justin's ass for you, Trent?" Gwen teased the boy, who's face lit up like a Christmas tree. That is, if all the lights were red.

"N-No.." Trent cleared his throat. "Why would I want that?"

Eva cleared her throat. "One bi to another, you're gay as fuck for Justin."

Gwen and Courtney snorted a bit as Trent's face got redder. "I..."

"C'mon, Trent. We're all gay here," Gwen commented as she snapped more photos.

Trent huffed. "Fine. Maybe I like him."

Gwen and Courtney awwed.

"But don't tell him I said that."

"What? Us? Never."

"I mean it, Gwen."

"Alright, alright. We won't tell."

"I just..." Trent stared out at the track, his gaze catching Justin. Justin looked up, giving a smile and waving at Trent. Trent waved back, watching as Justin continued running. "I just don't want to ruin what we have..."

Gwen hummed a bit. "Well, what are the pros of not telling Justin?"

"We remain friends and our relationship isn't ruined."

"What are the pros of asking him out?"

Trent was silent, but a smile soon grew on his face. "He could say yes and we start dating.."  His smile soon faded. "The con is he could say no..."

"Never know until you find out." Gwen shrugged, going back to taking photos. And with that, the conversation was dropped.


"I win! In your face, dead donkey!" Justin yelled at Alejandro, who simply glared at the model.

"This wasn't a competition. It was a practice!" Alejandro sat down by his teammates who were finishing and Justin, taking a swig from his water bottle. "Besides, Jasmine and Sky beat us by minutes!"

Justin looked over, seeing the two ladies taking drinks from their water and laughing. Justin sighed, leaning back against the bleachers. "At least you're not Kumar back there."

The two gentlemen stared as they saw Dave still on the other side of the track. Alejandro spoke. "I mean, usually by this point he's collapsed to the ground in defeat, so at least he's stuck it out this long."

"He's only on his second lap." Justin grinned. 

"My statement still stands."

Dave half-assed jogged up to the finish line, then collapsed. Coach MacArthur checked her stopwatch, then frowned. "Kumar, you haven't even finished your third lap." After hearing a muffled, "Fuck," from Dave, MacArthur shook her head and stopped her timer. "Alright, everyone. Good work, except for David. You guys can have the last few minutes to yourselves, mainly cause I wanna go make out with my wife!!" She then looked back, seeing Sanders walking towards the track. MacArthur rushed to Sanders, who squeaked in surprise, then laughed as her wife scooped her into her arms.

Izzy scrambled up the bleachers, taking a seat on Eva's lap, who started playing with Izzy's hair. Trent watched the two for a bit before he turned and came face to face with Justin. He yelped, then went to got over his shock, he cleared his throat and tried to play it cool. "Hey."

Justin grinned that damned grin of his, and Trent couldn't help but smile back. Justin took a seat by Trent, leaning back into the other seat behind him. "Hey. What's up?"

"Ah, nothing. Just came here with..." He got momentarily distracted by Justin's gaze. His eyes, his calming smile, the way Justin's eyes danced around Trent's face. Trent finally spoke again. "I'm with Gwen."

Gwen decided to be a good best friend and cover for his ass. "Yeah. I needed help for pictures, so I brought Court and Trent here."

"Ah. I see you chose to photograph the hottest person." Justin flexed his muscles, and Trent quickly looked away, hiding his face.

Gwen continued taking photos. "Yeah. Alejandro's pretty hot."

Justin gasped in offense. Trent hid a smile. "I'm offended, Gwendolyn." Justin turned his head, sticking his nose in the air.

Gwen snapped a photo of Justin being offended. "Oh yeah. That's one for the yearbook."

"Did you get my good side?"

"Your inside? No. My camera won't go that far."

"Wow. Okay."

Trent laughed a bit. "Hey, guys, be nice."

Justin huffed. "Gwen, I'm revoking your gay licence."

Gwen fake gasped. "You can't do that. I love women too much."

"It's been revoked."

"I am deeply offended."

Courtney fake gagged. "I'm dating a straggot?!"

"Don't call me that!!"

Trent just chuckled, then looked once again at Justin. Despite the fact that Justin was sweaty and his hair was all messy (in the non-sexy kind of way), Trent couldn't help but feel attracted to the other. "So..uh..." Trent chuckled nervously.

Justin looked over at Trent, staring at the man with his piercing blue eyes. "You wanna hang out sometime?"

"O-Oh!" Trent seemed surprised. "Sure! When?"

Justin thought a bit. "How about when you sing a song again?"

"Oh! Yeah!" Trent nodded quickly.

Justin grinned his pearly whites. "Well, I gotta go shower, but I'll see you later.." Justin then got up, walking off. Courtney and Gwen teased Trent about how he just got asked out. Trent insisted that Justin just wanted to hang out as friends.

But what Trent didn't see was Justin in the shower, grinning like a little schoolgirl. Trent made him so nervous, and he wanted so much more of that.

High School Never Ends (A TDI High School AU) (OLD) (Rewrite in progress)Where stories live. Discover now