Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I have decided to start a new fan fic because I got bored of my old one so I hope you like this :) Vote and comment :D

Hey my name is Amy, I am 18 years old, I live in London and I haven't really got a life.. I just do nothing with it. I live with my best friend Christie and we normally go to town every week end together but this weekend she had to leave to go to Southampton for the next 3 weeks because her family lives down there which leaves me, alone. I moved away from Southampton earlier this year because I wasn't too close with my family members, I never had a stable home so Christie decided to move away with me being the best friend she is. 

I decided to go to central London today to do some shopping, I never bothered with Christmas.. I was alone anyway. After a few hours of shopping I decided to go to grab a coffee at Starbucks, it was like a tradition that me and Christie got Starbucks every time we'd go there but even if I was alone it wouldn't stop me from not having one! I walked into the shop and saw there was a mega long queue.. I joined the queue and waited, I felt awkward being on my own so I pulled out my phone and made a few tweets. The boy infront of me with brown curley/messy hair reached into his back pocket to grab his phone, he was so hot.. woah.. I saw a credit card lying on the floor next to my feet, I picked up and saw it had the name "George Shelley" on it.. I thought to myself that I have heard that name somewhere before, I wanted any reason to make conversation with the attractive boy in front of me but why would he want to talk to me anyway? I never get no attention from any boys.. none at all. I lightly tapped the guy on the shoulder and he turned around looking at me confused "I-Is this you-yours?" I stuttered as I showed him the credit card, he searched all of his pockets for his card and failed to find it "I think so!" he said as a huge grin spread across his face. "Thank you so much, love" he thanked me "Its fine" I said while gazing into his beautiful brown eyes "Can I treat you to a coffee?" he offered "sure" I agreed. I went and found a table we could sit at and talk after telling him what I wanted him to order me, he came and joined me at the table as he placed the coffee infront of me. "How come you're by youself?" I asked him "I'm suppose to be in rehearsals but I thought I'd grab a coffee" he told me "..Rehearsals for what?!" I asked intreeged "X Factor, live shows" he told me "You're him!" I pointed at him trying ot keep my fan girlness inside "Him..? what?" "You're in Union J right?!" I asked him "Yes, next week is the semi finals!" he expressed "Woah! Good luck!" Half an hour passed and we were still sat at the table "I think I better head off darling" he said.. he called me DARLING? DARLING?! "Aw ok" I sighed "What's your number, I will call you later?" He asked, I have him my number and we said goodbye.. Wow, today was good.

I got back into my small house about an hour later, I trew my hand-bag on the floor beside the door, flicked my shoes off and sat and watched TV, All I could think about was George.. and the up-coming phone call, I tried to forget about him because he was spinning around in my head! I was led across the sofa watching a program on ITV .. It got to break and all you hear is "IT'S TIME, TO FACE, THE MUSIC!" I saw George's face appear on the screen and I fan-girled, if that is the right word.. "THE X FACTOR, TONGIHT AT 8 PM!" A huge grin spread across my face. 

It has been 3 hours since George said he'd cal me, I think he was lying.. I don't blame him to be honest, he can do so much better than me. "You're insecure! Don't know what for-" my ringtone went off. I rushed to my mobile in less than a second, I picked it up and saw the picture I took of George for his caller ID.. I answered "Hello" I said nervously "Hello darlin'" he replied "How are you?" I asked trying to make conversation "I can't speak right now" he told me, I sighed "Why?" "Because rehearsals for tonight and stuff but I will make it up to you!" He told me, he seemed guilty... "Come on George!" I heard someone shout at him in the background "Ugh one second!" he replied to the unknown voice "Text me your address and I will pick you up tomorrow at 7" he insisted "Right, ok?" I replied clueless "I am so sorry, I will see you tomorrow, bye babe" "bye". I was kinda gutted about that phone call but excited for tomorrow, I had no idea what we were going to do though.. it was almost like a date! I texted George my address so he could pick me up.. 

It all started in Starbucks (Union J fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now