She raised her eyebrows,

"So...ask him."

"Dori...I love you but you live in a very different world from the one that I live in. You're too naive to understand this."

She closed her mouth. I knew I'd hit below the belt but I didn't know any other way to get this conversation to end. She gave a slight nod of her head and then turned to walk back to her room.

I felt bad for saying it but I just didn't need her constant ray of sunshine in my face at the moment. My life was getting sucked down a drain and I felt like I couldn't stop it. I needed to focus.

I turned and went to sit back in front of my computer.

Let the job search commence.


I never thought there was an end to the internet but after four hours, it seemed I'd found it. In terms of job searches anyway. It's not like photographers were in demand, but there was nothing left for me but deli jobs or hostess positions. I was so frustrated I was near tears.

Dori had left hours ago, still hurt, she gave me the silent treatment the whole time. I should've apologized but I just didn't have it in me.

Dori's life had been a series of triumphs. She got everything she wanted. All the time. Every boy, every job, every class...everything. She hadn't even graduated college yet and she already had her dream job at London's biggest publisher.

It wasn't her fault. She never hung it over my head or gloated. In fact, I was pretty sure she tried to downplay her life to make me feel better. Which only made me feel worse. Dori had a right to celebrate her achievements. Just because I constantly fell on my face was no reason for her to feel like it was her responsibility.


I buried my face in my hands as I willed the tears to go away.

My hand fell against one of Dori's school textbooks on the table. I picked it up and hurled it against the wall, causing a huge thud as it crashed against it and then landed on the floor.

I was just about to land my face back in my hands when I heard the knock at the door.


What time was it?

I'd totally lost track of time. It was Harry. Here for our date.

I yanked the door open,

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed as I ran off towards my room, "I totally forgot. Gimme five minutes."

I heard him step into my flat and close the door. He cleared his throat,

"Everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah why?" I asked as I tore clothes off my body and put different ones on.

Shit. What was I gonna do about my hair?

"Thought I heard a loud bang coming from here."

His answer stopped me cold. Shit. He'd heard.

"Oh...I was just uh...where are we going?" I asked, deciding to change the subject as I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail.

He cleared his throat,

"My house."

I let my hands drop from my face,


What were we going to his house for? I looked down at my jeans. I guess I was dressed fine then.

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