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Tendō's POV (No this is not a list of the ships)
Ahh yes. My two little oblivious babies. How could they be stupid? They clearly like each other after seeing the other's faces once. So I will take it onto my thin bones to get them together. Yes. Me. I have never been in a relationship yet I still know when a salty ass bitch and an e-ish-boy will go together.
I hope this works. They both agreed to come to the party. Now all that is left is the party. Where the ✨magic✨ will happen. My babies will be together. Forever. While I stay here in my corner. Alone. And sad. Whilst they enjoy themselves. Ahhh. When life gives you lemons throw them at life and squeeze the juice into it's eyes because do I care? Not at all.
As I get ready for the party I start to think to myself. What will happen if I get left behind?  Nah. It will be fine.....
Anyway. As I go to the party I realise that I should probably invite more people then just Shirabu and Semi. It will be boring. And awkward. I could bring Akaashi or Goshiki but then Akaashi never really liked social interaction unless he vaguely knows who they are and Goshiki has never been any fun at parties. Although, Akaashi does sometimes have good social interaction with Sugawara......
Lets invite that Angel then. He might actually be someone who knows how to have fun.
Le return of Semi's POV
As I head towards the venue of the party I can't help but wonder who else Tendō invited. And if anything interesting will happen. I mean, I don't expect anything to. It's just a party that Tendō wanted to drag me to. I hope he doesn't mind me brining someone over. Well, two people, but it'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like they are going to become mates ir anything. No.

A/N 332 words
More ships? Nooo.... what are yall talking about? Ships. Me? Nah...

Thanks for all the reads on the last chapter! I really appreciate it and I did NOT expect to have people reading it and enjoying it. And in a week? I am forever grateful. Thank you and have a good day/night.

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