Chapter 1

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Day of Funeral

    Dick held my hand tightly as we sat at the funeral. Bruce Wayne was sitting next to Dick, looking at both of us with sympathy and understanding. He kept glancing from me to the three people in the other row across from us. I looked past him and saw a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, and breathtaking blue eyes, like Dick’s. Sitting beside her was a man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Then my eyes landed on a boy, roughly my age, with red hair and beautiful blue eyes. Like the woman’s, they were breathtaking. I looked away, afraid to get lost in them.

    The service ended as quickly as it began, and the crowd started to dissipate. Everyone gave their condolences and sympathetic looks. I didn’t want sympathy; I wanted my parents back. Dick and I looked at their graves, tears silently descending our cheeks. Dick never let go of my hand, nor did I mind; I needed him as much as he needed me. After a few moments, Mr. Wayne walked up to us along with the three I saw earlier. They all looked at us with sympathy.

    “You two okay?” The blonde man asked.

    “We’re about as okay as we can be I guess.” I answered.

    Mr. Wayne rested a hand on Dick’s shoulder and asked me, “Do you mind if I talk to Richard alone for a moment?”

    I looked between him and Dick and said, “No, go ahead.” My voice was so quiet I’m surprised he heard me. As I watched them walk out of ear shot, someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the blonde woman.

    “Hey kiddo; you sure you’re going to be alright?” Her voice was soft and gentle.

    “Yeah, just worried about my brother.” I replied.

    “I bet he’s doing the same for you.” She said. “I’m Dinah Lance by the way.” She held her hand out for me to shake.

    I took it. “Lorelei Grayson; pleasure to meet you.” I gave a small smile.

    The next to approach me was the man with dirty blonde hair. “Oliver Queen; it’s a pleasure to meet you Lorelei.” He said shaking my hand.

    “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Queen.” I replied.

    “Please, call me Ollie.” He smiled; I nodded in reply. Next was the red-haired boy. As he got closer, I could tell how built he was.

    He held out his hand. “Pleasure to meet you Lorelei; name’s Roy Harper.” I took his hand to shake, but instead he brought my hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss. I blushed madly.

    “P-pleasure to meet you too Roy.” I stuttered.

    He chuckled; God I could listen to that all day. Breaking out of my trance-like state, I turned back to Dick who was still talking to Mr. Wayne.

    “What does Mr. Wayne want with Dick?” I asked.

    “He’s thinking of taking him in.” Ollie said. “And Dinah and I were thinking the same for you.”

    I turned to them shocked. “You want to separate us?” I asked in disbelief.

    “Lorelei, listen to me.” Dinah said. “We don’t want to separate the two of you. Hell, that’s the last thing we want to do after what you’ve been through, but you need to learn how to control your cry.”

    “Cry? What are you talking—” Then it all clicked; what I did before I blacked out. “Oh.”

    “I don’t want you freaking out, but we thought it would be best for you to learn how to control it before—” Ollie started.

    “Before I hurt someone.” I interrupted. “The last thing I want to do is hurt him.”

    “Exactly.” Dinah said. “I can help you, and Roy can teach you how to fight and so will I. You’ll be able to visit each other. It won’t be forever, I promise.”

    I took a deep breath and nodded. A few moments later, Dick and Mr. Wayne headed back towards us. I knelt to Dick’s height and pulled him into a tight hug. 

    “Hey buddy.” I said as we released from the hug. “I’m assuming Mr. Wayne told you what’s going on?”

    He nodded sadly. “I don’t want you to go. You’re all I have left.“ He whimpered holding back his sobs.

    “I know, I know. It won’t be forever, though. And I’ll come visit when I can; okay?” I said trying to hold back my own sobs.

    “Okay.” He replied weakly.

    Mr. Wayne interrupted us by saying, “Dick, it’s time to go.” 

Dick gave me one last hug before going off with Mr. Wayne. A single tear slipped down my cheek as they left. I felt someone lace their fingers with mine and looked for the source. I looked to my right and saw Roy.

    “You okay?” He asked, voice full of concern.

    “Yeah, just wondering when I’ll see him again.” I replied wiping my tears away with my free hand.

    He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and said, “It’ll be sooner than you think.” I gave a small smile. “Come on; Ollie and Dinah are waiting for us.”

    With that we set off to Star City. Far away from Gotham, and far away from the only family I have left.

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