Magic and Potions

Start from the beginning

Not that a coma for no apparent reason was that much better, but at least for them, Jimin was there. Coma or not, he was there, under their eyes.

"I owe you guys" he gratefully smiled.

Hoseok and Jin scoffed in sync. "What nonsense" The former Seelie had a challenging glint in his eye that clearly said, Don't you dare argue.

So Jimin didn't.

Right now, he didn't have the words anyway. He'd save it for a later day.

He couldn't help the happy smile that blossomed on his face.

At least that was one worry down.


Working in Seokjin's shop- Magic and Potions- was by far the most weirdest thing Jimin had done.

His stay at Elyxion so far had made him quietly observe the way of those around him, summing up his opinions about their characters- and in Seokjin's case, Jimin realized that he liked being over-the-top in the best way possible.

So his shop was a representation of this characteristic of his: All fancy decorations and pretty flowers decorating the outside. The inside- Jimin could tell by just looking - had taken immaculate planning. It was exquisite, but not in a way that made someone feel suffocated. It had just the perfect balance. There was a large window placed at a wall that would give maximum sunlight at mornings (according to Seokjin some spells required early morning sunlight, like plant growth potions and such) and next to that, right across the main entrance, was a counter with a granite top. This was where Seokjin and the customers interacted. Behind the counter was a fire place where a golden cauldron was always there and on either side of it were shelves carrying ingredients, empty vials, potions awaiting to be picked up by the customers and some common potions that were already ready-made for use.

The thing Jimin liked the most was the waiting area- it was a circular area with random kind of chairs and bean bags dotting the periphery. It just gave such a nice vibe. It also had automated coffee making machines, which looked exactly like those on Earth. Jimin had inquired and Seokjin had laughed saying that yes they were from Earth and that he cast some tiny spells so they would make coffee for the guest in the waiting area.

Jimin was very taken in by all this, of course.

Seokjin was clad in his work clothes- which was just a fancy witch robe over his usual clothing. And fancy for Seokjin included golden trimmings and diamonds and such.

Despite being told that he was here to work -there was really nothing much Jimin could do other than greet customers and run around to find the right kind of ingredients- which proved to be harder than expected seeing as Jimin knew nothing about plants and even if he did- he quickly learned that plants on Earth and Elyxion didn't share a lot of similarities.

The witch was very patient in teaching Jimin the basics, gently reprimanding the human when he got a specific something wrong.

Halfway into his 'work day'-Jimin slumped into one of the comfortable seats in the waiting area, cradling Mochi in his palms once again. Hoseok had refused to be alone with the kitten at home so Jimin had had to bring Mochi with him. So far Jin had gotten only three customers- a slow day, Seokjin had commented - and they'd had only very mundane requests like a potion to stop nightmares and such.

The bell above the entrance dinged and Jimin immediately got up realizing he had a job to do.

His eyes widened almost in slow motion when he took in the appearance of the man who had just entered- the pale milky skin, now discolored by the slightly green sheen that indicated that he was sick, the sharp jawline that contradicted the soft curve of his nose, the raven black hair - there was a familiarity to this man that Jimin couldn't quite place but held him frozen in place-

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