dating him would include

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- Hand holding
- eye sex(eye contact basicly)
- cuddling
- sleepovers
- Cuddling with comfortable silence
- alone time at the quarry
- talks about memories of Georgie
- him crying on your shoulder
- being protective torwards you from IT.
- lots of sleepovers
- u crying to him tha u dont wanna be next
- him comforting you and telling you nothings going to happen to you


- lots of trips to the movie theaters
- you trying to teach him to do a proper British accent
- lots of makeout sessions
- him seeing you naked because he kept walking in on you in the shower
- u now not caring if he sees u naked
- u and him joking that you aren't virgins
- losing your virginity to him(ok so i know they were only 14,but whatever)
- fights
- making up by cuddling and makeout session
- playing heavy metal songs on the base
- teaching him to ride a skateboard
- Cleaning your cuts because of henry
- you crying about your fear of losing Ritchie
- moaning ritchie infront of the guys to weird them out
- getting kicked out of the movie theaters plenty of times
- him smacking your butt plenty of times
- telling the guys you actually are a virgin
- them making sex sounds and sex symbols and motions all the time now
- Almost having sex infront of the guys ( by that I mean heavy makeout sessions going too far!!!)

- birdwatching
- kissing his neck while he was birdwatching
- end up feeling you up and making out hard instead of birdwatching
- Getting jealous easily
- they say stan the man, I say my man
- first kiss
- losing virginity
- first dance
- falling asleep in his arms a lot
- wearing his clothes a lot
- starring at him
- him catching you stare at him
- getting boners when around you for no reason
- smiling to yourself trying not to laugh
- him getting jealous very easily
- getting high on marijuana a lot
- slipping the tounge


- using him as a body pillow
- starring him In the eyes
- him giving you his chubby cute and sweet attractive smile
- snuggling in the crook of his neck
- squeezing your thye when jealous
- fireworks  going off in your heart every 5 second
- slow,soft and passionate kisses
- not wanting to leave his eyes
- riding on his back everywhere u go
- holding hands
- first kiss

Eddie spaghetti:
- cheek kisses
- holding hands
- telling him your fear
- makeout sessions away from the guys
- quick kisses
- slipping him the tounge and him immediately pulling away
- having a good laugh then start kissing again
- slipping him the tounge again
- crying to him about your abusive family
- sneaking out because of him mom
- running away for to the quarry
- holding him when hes sad
- him fixing you up after getting abused

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