(she) XIII

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"Mira, you haven't seemed like yourself lately," Mrs. Hence glances up at her from the over cluttered desk with concerned eyes.

She tries to formulate an answer, but she'd rather take a cat to the face than admit that some petty crush was the cause of it.

So she stands up taller and puts on a confused smile.

"I just think I need to get some more sleep, with the play and all."

It's the lamest excuse that she's ever come up with, but the smile is still on her face.

Mrs. Hence obviously doesn't believe her but plays along, telling her to go ahead to her next class.


When she had said that he would be a cameo in her script she wasn't kidding. It's probably due to sleep deprivation, but she sees him in each character so vividly that she almost considers quitting all together.

She pictures him making comments on each of the dialogue choices she's made, blue eyes lit up in amusement so much that they crinkle. She slams her forehead into the keyboard, groaning. 

She feels like hiding under a blanket and shoveling spoonfuls of Ben and Jerry's at an unhealthy rate into her mouth but she has to meet the head of the drama department in an hour.

So she types and types until her fingers feel like bleeding for a while.

It takes her mind off the present, the lovely gift of fated fiction.

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