Character introduction

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 A/N: not exactly character introduction but... whatever.

1) name: Jisoo Deleon
age: 16 years old
dislikes: tea, perfume, mouse, insects & people with stuck up attitudes
likes: food, dessert, dogs, cats, different colored pens
hates: glass cups- things made of glass in general
favorite number: 2
nationality: korean
birthday: 22nd of February, 2005
2) name: Victor Jung
age: 16 years old
dislikes: ?
likes: ?
hates: ?
favorite number: none
nationality: half-korean his father is American, while his mother was korean
birthday: 2005, 7th of March

) name: Noah Lee
age: 16 years old
dislikes: people in general. Fuzzy things, & when the weather is too hot

likes: cool, quiet places. Like under tree shades
hates: noisy people, his family
favorite number: 1
nationality: korean
4) name: Susan Lee
age: 17 years old

islikes: dogs, cats, birds, desserts, complex things, & things that take too much time

likes: cologne scent, eating, desserts, ice cream, handsome guys
hates: meddly people, kids, flamingos for some reason
favorite number: none
nationality: half korean
5) name: Chon Ji
age: 17 years old

islikes: hard things
likes: crusty pies, mango, strawberries, animals, foreigners, handsome guys

hates: girls prettier than herself
favorite number: 99
nationality: korean

A/N: I know I wrote dessert in both dislike, & like category. Also guess who's the mc here~

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