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I woke up sitting up straight yelling loudly. "Hey, hey, it's alright," Tom said next to me, pulling me close to him. "Im here, you're safe now," he said. I held onto him so tightly and after a few minutes my breathing slowed and I started to calm down. I closed my eyes as I buried my face into Tom's chest, hair feeling calmer every second. "Breathe babe, it's alright," Tom said stroking the back of my head. I loosened my grip from around his chest but didn't let go, at least not yet. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked me. I didn't answer, I just buried myself deeper. "Alright, it's alright babe," he said calmingly. "Was it about dad?" he asked. I nodded. "Oh shit babe, I'm sorry," he said holding me tighter. That's when I heard a knock on the door and I yelped and held on tighter to Tom. The knocks continued getting louder and louder. "Alright i gotta get that, but don't worry i won't let you go," Tom said assuringly. He got up and we held onto each-other tightly as Tom walked to the door. He opened the door with one hand then quickly put it back on me so I wouldn't fall. "Well shit, it's been a while sis," Tom said surprised. "How's it going bro?!" A female voice said loudly, hurting my ears. I whimpered a bit as I held onto Tom tighter. "Come on in, and sorry bout the mess, haven't cleaned in a while," Tom said, walking over to the couch holding me tighter as we sat down. "So, who's that?" I heard her ask. "Oh, this is my husband Shino, he's kinda out of it right now, had a bad dream," Tom said, rubbing my head. "Husband?" I heard her say surprised. "How long has this been going on?" she asked. "About five years," Tom said proudly. "FIVE YEARS?!" she yelled. I whimpered more as I held onto Tom. "Sabrina please don't yell inside," I heard Tom say. "Sorry," she said sarcastically. "Hey babe, you wanna say hi?" He asked me softly. I inhaled so hard that my chest hurt and exhaled and turned around still on Tom's lap. "Hey there, my name's Shino, nice to meet you," I said, putting on a painful smile. "It's okay babe, she knows," Tom said, wrapping his arms around my chest. "She does?" I asked. He nodded and she did too. "Sorry about what happened to your dad Shino, must be tough carrying that around," she said empathetically. I just nodded. "Thank you," I said, trying to cry. "If you don't mind me asking, what did he look like?" Sabrina asked. "Here," I said as I got out of Tom's lap to get my computer. I grabbed it off my desk and turned it on. 'Good Morning' displayed across the screen. "Here," I said, turning the screen towards her. "Damn..." I heard her say. "He looks a-lot like you," she said with a sad tone. I nodded again as I laid down on the couch resting my head on Tom's lap. "It happened when i was 18," I said. "What did?" Sabrina asked. "The day dad died," I answered her. 

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