Lets go to the beach

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When we got the the beach it was surprisingly empty. Most people would probably be throwing an after hours party by now so it's not that surprising. We all got out of the truck and Tom pressed a button on the car keys and the truck beeped signifying that it was locked. "Oh Mika," I called out to her. "Yah?" she asked. "Are you going to throw an after hours party tonight?" I asked. She scoffed at me. "Is that even a question? Of course I am!" She said excitedly. I felt my tail wag as I looked over at Tom who looked over at me whose tail was also wagging. "I find it amazing," I started to say. "Bout what?" he asked sitting down on a sandy rock and patted the one next to him. "Just that... we have been together for almost five years and your tail still wags every time you look at me." I said sitting down next to him. "Well of course it does. Its because you make me happy... Mori. I don't know where I would be right now if i didn't meet you..." he said looking over at me. "You... You didn't abbreviate anything," I said surprised. "Its because i mean it. I love you Mori, and I wont ever stop loving you." he said, his tail wagging faster. "I won't ever stop loving you either," I said looking him in the eye. "And that's a fact." we both said. We both smiled and broke into laughter. We both let out a sigh as I rested my head on his shoulder taking hold of his hand, our fingers wrapped in-between one another. "Hey babe," Tom said. "Yah?" I asked. "You maybe wanna like, get married or somethin? You don't have to answer right away or anythin its just a thou-" "I do," I said cutting him off. "Wait, really?" he asked surprised. "Yes really." I said. "Thank you," he said looking at the ocean. I smiled. "Of course..." I said. Just then Mika came running from the other side of the beach. "And... Time!" she yelled. Me and Tom looked at her confused. "Oh come on... don't tell me you weren't taking the time!" she said sounding pissed off. "Sorry, I have bigger things to worry about," Tom said hugging me. "Don't worry, your time was 22:47" I said looking at my phone. "Oh thank you," she said winded like she hadn't taken a breath the entire run. "Should we tell her?" Tom asked, looking at me for permission. "Go for it," I said laying down, resting my head on Tom's lap as he rubbed my side. "Tell me what?" Mika asked, confused. "Well, me and Mori are gonna get married," Tom said. There was total radio silence from Mika. Then she yelled "It's about damn time!" she laughed. "Well i wasn't expetin that," Tom said. "Me neither," I said laughing a bit. "Anyways come on guys, my assistant just finished setting everything up, if we want the good booze we have to leave now," Mika said, putting her phone into her pocket. "Awwwwww, right now?" I pouted. "Yes Mori, move move move!" she commanded us. Without a second thought, Tom picked me up bridal style and carried me to his truck. "Oh, are you going to carry me like this down the aisle too?" I asked him jokingly. "If you want me to babe, I will," he said smiling. Then the three of us piled into the truck and sped off to Mika's house for the rooftop party. 

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