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"Oh shit, who is this big shot?" Harley gives the goofy looking man a side glance slightly hiding behind Fulton

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"Oh shit, who is this big shot?" Harley gives the goofy looking man a side glance slightly hiding behind Fulton. Fulton just looks back at her and shakes his head.

"Hey guys! I'm Don Tibbles, Hendrix hockey apparel. Anyone want a card?"

Harley simply stares at him from afar as everyone goes up to get a card from the mysterious man.


"Tell me about my new kids." Coach Bombay tells Tibbles.

"Thats Luis Mendoza, he's from our miami club. A real speedster, incredible skater. I clocked him 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line."

Everyone watches as the boy shows off his speed and skating skills.

"Good-lookin' skater." Connie compliments.

"I would say so.." Harley mumbles earning a nudge and smirk from Connie.

"Very good-lookin' what do ya think Guy?" Averman teases. The redhead groans as he is nudged aggressively in the stomach by Guy.

"Has one minor problem.." Tibbles begins to add with a look of disappointment on his face. The ducks and Coach Bombay watches the boy crash into the wall.

"Has a little trouble stopping." He finishes.

"Yeehaw! How is everyone? Ya'll ready to play some puck?" A boy throws his cowboy hat towards the ducks, hitting Harley in the face. She catches it before it hits the ground and places it on her head.

"Looks good don't ya' think?" Harley asks with a weird county accent, everyone bursts into fits of laughter even some of the new kids laughed.

"That's Dwayne Robertson, from Austin. He's the best puck handler i've ever seen."

"You mean for his age." Bombay clarified unknowingly. To which Don replied, "No, I don't." And shook his head.


Harley lays with her back to the ice as everyone fights with each other. Her face shows pure amusement. She watches them, well mostly the attractive hispanic, atleast she thinks he is hispanic.

The two grown men try to calm the group down.

Harley does a wolf-whistle before screaming, "Everyone shut the hell up!" Silence follows after, making the 4'11 girl get up from the ice and smile innocently at everyone as they stare at her, even her twin stares at her.

"Thanks for your help, Harley. Alright now lets start with a scrimmage." Coach begins before getting cut off by Tibbles blowing the whistle just as he was.

"You don't need me here. I've got an appointment anyway, i've gotta see Miss. McKay, shes the team tutor." Tibbles says. He begins to walk away from the ice.

"Don..." Coach says holding up his hand, Don places his whistle into Bombay's open palm.

"You'll get it back at the end of the school term." Coach jokes and everyone slightly laughs at his terrible joke.


"Great day for hockey ain't it?" Dwayne says to Jesse as they are in the middle of doing a face off.

"Sure is cowboy." Jesse smirks, copying Dwayne's accent.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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