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Ochako pov
Everything was looking bad. We where loosing to some giant bird monster that destroyed mr Aizawa with ease. I would kill All Might according to the villans. I won't believe it, no one can kill All Might, then it hits me, multiple quirks. Could it be the one that could kill All Might, all for one. I'm hudled with the rest of the class preparing to defend ourselves, I'm just happy Izuku don't here so he won't get hurt.

I jinxed it couse All Might arrived just after that carrying a pissed off Izuku.
I hope everything turns out ok.

Izuku pov
The old man drops me with the hero wannabee and goes to fight some big black bird, it would be a hard fight, as they both exchange blows with amazing speed. The hero kids are looking at me weird for some reason

Iida:Why is a delinquent like you here?
Izuku:Because the old geiser draged me here
Mineta:Hey speak of All Might with respect
Izuku:Or what?

1a pov
What did he say, who does he think he is anyway, stupid delinquent, and why is Ochako blushing

3rd pov

Izuku:Well I'm going to see what's up
Iida:No we should stay here
Izuku:Put a sock in it, I don't care I'm going
Iida:You disrespectful little monster. We are future heros...
Izuku:Pshh you are all losers.

And so he leaves to help his adoptive father and is followed by Ochako and Katsuki.

All Might pov
This is bad. This thing is strong, the I hear it.


A cemicircle appears out of nowhere, what is this.

Izuku:Hey old man need a hand?

Why is he here, he can get hurt.

Izuku:O well here goes.

As he says that he moves his finger like a knife and the beast is cut into pieces like clay. Is this his quirk?

Izuku:This is bad
All Might:What do you mean? Are you hurt, and what is this dome?
Izuku:This us my quirk, I'm using it to save you, you idiot, in this room I can do many things, like chop up people. It can help in surgeries since it causes no pain to the subject while the quirk is in effect, I can reatach broken bones and internal bleeding with ease. I  can heal people with it.
An as for the monster, that thing was once human, however through forced quirk injection it became that. How that came to be I don't know however it will heal so I'll remove it's heart.


Then in the blink of an eye Midorya has the beast heart and releases his quirk killing the beast.

I am shoked at his powers, he trully can be a great hero as his quirk is verstyle. I can only hope.

3rd pov
Two people followed Izuku and saw what his quirk was. They where amazed by such power and skill, not to mention the possibilities with it.


Ochako pov
My class got mad at me for following Izuku, they say that he is a good for nothing delinquent who doesn't deserve the time. But I know different, he saved all might with his quirk, I was amazed and my crush grew even more, he truly was a great guy. Maybe I could talk to him a bit more about it. She then bumps into a green haired teen.

Izuku:Ochako are you stalking me?
Ochako:What of course not
Izuku:Why do you keep showing up at my house?
Ochako:Ok, sometimes I come on purpose but not today. Anyway can I ask you something?
Izuku: sigh... Sure
Ochako:Why don't you use your quirk, it has so much potential
Izuku:You saw huh, well I don't like it, or more accurately what it represents. I hate that society values a quirk more than the person itself. It's wrong. Anyway see you on Sunday 'chako.

And he left leaving me thinking about his words and a nickname of times past.

'chako and katchan. Names coming from a little Izuku's inability to speak correctly, but she loved it, it was there bond and maybe it was returning. She could only hope.

All Might pov
I heard Izuku and Ochakos talk. While I admire that he is opening up a bit, I can't help but accept that he is correct. Quirks should not be everything in society yet they where. Was that along whit his disliking of heros the cause of his behavior. At least he is getting better, ochako always asked to hang out and he finnaly said yes, he was improving. He would help him every step of the way, where ever it lead

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