Chapter 1: Intro

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Authors note: Ok so like- fair warning, this is my first time writing a fanfic that im actually gonna post/share with people so uh- this story probably isnt gonna be that great but im trying so- go easy on me?😅 Anways! Onto the story!


        Kuroo Tetsurou and Tsukishima Kei had been close friends since their first practice match together when Tsukishima was a first year. They supported each other in anything and everything. 

          When Tsukishima came out to his parents at the end of his 2nd year they kicked him out, and since he couldnt move in with Yamaguchi, Kuroo offered for him to move in with him, Bokuto and Akaashi (Bokuto and Kuroo moved in together after they graduated and Akaashi decided to move in with them since he had just graduated.) in which Tsukishima gladly accepted. 

          When Kuroo broke up with Kenma( because he was emotionally/verbally abusive, and because he found out that he'd been cheating) Kuroo fell into a pit of emptiness, refused to leave his room for 3 weeks, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Tsukishima had to force him eat,drink, and bathe. But after a long 2 and a half months he finally bounced back to his normal self. He had his moments every now and than when things reminded him of Kenma but his bestfriends and roomates were always there to get him through it. Everybody knew the 2 broke up but no one knew the reason except Bokuto, Akaashi, and Tsukki.

        Oh yeah and did i mention that Tsukishima has had a crush on Kuroo since the first training camp? Yeah. So thats been fun for him. Though he was really good at hiding it Yamaguchi and Akaashi ended up finding out so they like to tease him about it every now and then. 


          Thats the end of the first chapter. I hope you liked it. Also sorry its a pretty short chapter because its just an intro type thing-. If there is anything  you think i can improve on please tell me so i can make this story and future stories better.  Oh and i cant think of  a title for this story, so if you can think of one please let me know! Thanks!

See you in the next chapter🙂✌🏼

Word count: 380

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