ONE ━━━ eden.

Start from the beginning

"I'm working, you know?", she said to Billy Butcher, "My boss doesn't want you here, Billy. Get the fuck out."

"Wow, calm down, sweetheart.", Butcher raised his arms in a false gesture of redemption, "Is this how you treat your friends?"

He had stepped too forward in her personal space, Hughie noticed by the way she looked at Butcher, like he was as unpleasant as the perverts who visited the bar.

"Shut the fuck up, Butcher.", MM entered the room. Wearing sunglasses and a black coat, he gave an open smile to the Scotswoman, "It's good to see you again, Fiona."

At that moment, the woman's angry countenance faded away. Her mouth turning into a warm smile and arms grabbing the tall man's body.

"Shit, I missed you, asshole.", she let him breathe, "Heard you got yourself a beautiful woman."

"Yeah, yeah, she's perfect.", Mother's Milk laughed shortly, "But how did you know about her?"

She seemed nervous for a moment, and glanced too quickly at Fenchie, kinda expecting him to not pay attention to her words.

"Cherie told me.", Fiona answered, "But she forgot to tell me that the bastard was back.", It didn't take a genius to know she was talking about Bucther.

"Wait, you were seeing Cherie?", The Frenchman gestured too quickly with his hands, eyes wild and anxious, "Why the fuck she hasn't said a word to me about it?"

Fiona said nothing. She just stared at the man's dark eyes and stood still. Hughie thought she was too strange. She seemed wild, reserved, fearless and strong. The kind of person he wouldn't like to disturb. But, at the same time, around people she actually liked, she was charismatic and radiant, and too preoccupied about hurting their feelings.

"Oh, so you and her were fucking, huh?", Billy gave a harsh laugh, "Now that's predictable."

"Still an asshole, huh?", Fiona stepped forward, standing right in front of her old partner in crime, "That's none of your damn business, Butcher."

"Don't worry about Frenchie's feelings, Fi. He's got a girlfriend now.", Billy smiled coldly.

"Shut up, fucker.", Frenchie punched Butcher's right arm and glanced at the Killer Queen, "Why haven't you talked to me?"

"I asked Cherie if you were fine, Serge.", her countenance softened a little — just a little, "She told me you were alright, living this fucking life of yours."

"And that was enough for you?", The Frenchman raised his eyebrows, clearly hurt by her words.

"I don't really have time for your shit right now.", she crossed her arms, staring at Frenchie like she was bigger than him — like she was better than him, "But yes, it was enough for me."

Frenchie clenched his fists, eyes still focused on the woman. He seemed furious, broken, abandoned. But he couldn't say a word.

"So you guys came here only to ask about my sex life or what?", Fiona raised her dark thick eyebrows, looking directly at Butcher, and trying — really hard — to pretend that Serge wasn't there.

"That's just adorable, but no.", Billy smiled coldly, "I'm here to talk business, dear."

"Business?", she couldn't believe that fucker, "Do you wanna get killed or what, Billy? I said I was done with you guys. All of you."

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒Where stories live. Discover now