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lol :)

They were getting so close to being like a real married couple and she knew it, but nows she's ruined it.

It was everything he was most afraid of all coming true at once. Why he had always been the one to pull away, move onto the armchair before she woke. He had worked so hard to make sure it never happened and his stupid little mistake bad sent them right back to where they began, before the wedding.

A fear Kaycee had bought up during a talk, not even a week before, now true as ever in front of them, like a thick brick wall separating them.

That morning

The pair had taken longer to get their niece asleep than they ever had before. Hours had passed and the sun had long set but the little girls wouldn't settle.

She knew how to pull their strings. She would reach up at Kaycee with wide eyes demanding to be picked up with a simple motion of crunching her hands, she would hold her and allow her to rest her head in the crook of her neck until she fell sleepy. Then if she was put back in her bed too fast she would simply not lay down, instead, she would just sit and hold her hand out for Sean to do the same. The night resulted in the older two sitting on their respective side of Kaycee's bed as the toddler blabbed, each taking turns in responding to her strings of nonsense in hopes she would stop and sleep soon.

Both were already in only nightwear, so Kaycee allowed them to slip under the covers of her bed to keep warm for the time being, Sean planning to leave once the toddler was asleep. But Lily was not giving in. It resulted in them both falling asleep in Kaycee's bed, that was the first mistake. Lily herself nodded shortly after the two. The night was calm and the three were peaceful.

In fact, the second mistake wasn't thought about until the next morning, when Sean hadn't moved onto the armchair before she had woken up. She rose with quite the unpleasant feeling. A short nightmare about the old guard had oddly felt much more real this time. Like her was actually there with her. She was heavy breathing and dizzy. Why did it all feel so real and why wasn't the feeling passing? her dazed mind asked.

Then she felt it. A strong hand lying on the upper part of her inner thigh.

During the night Sean had shuffled himself much closer to her while he dreamed. Her nightgown had ridden up and his hand had found its way to her leg, mere centimetres away from her underwear. He was completely unaware, unfortunately, she was not.

She let out a sound, one of pure terror then froze, not even able to move his arm away.Sean jolted awake to find what was the problem. He noticed she was still, staring terrified at the bedsheets. Almost went to comfort her, presuming it was just another nightmare, then he realised himself too. He felt his hand planted firmly on her soft skin. He pulled it away, furious at himself for the indecency. Then he had to figure out what to do.Lily too had been woken by Kaycee's yell and was now crying in her bed. Confused and upset by the loud noises in the room.

"Kaycee, I'm so sorry. I- I didn't know, I should have moved, I always move. God, why didn't I move? I'm-"

"Go," she said sharply, shocking him slightly.

"Are you alright, I'm so stupid. I can-"

"I said, go" her voice low, then got louder, yet remaining monotonous. "Go away. Get out."

Lily was now wailing in the side of the room, scared of the harsh words coming through Kaycees gritted teeth.

"I'm going to go," he said, confirming her wishes, slipping himself from the side of the bed. Kaycee remained still, not even looking up at him. He walked to the door, his hand on the handle when he heard the screams of the little girl who he had managed to block out since he first woke up. He turned quickly towards Lily, seeing Kaycee flinch out of the corner of his eyes, having to shake it off, then picked her up out of the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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