Trixie smiled, feeling her face flush slightly at the thought. This whole situation still felt like some kind of fever dream. Courtney and her had always had a strange tension, but she would have never guessed that she would like her back.

"Sounds good to me, what day is good for you? "

"I've got to finish my composition for music first, but once it's out the way-"

Trixie felt the air being sucked out of her lungs. Fuck.



"...I've not even started"

"What??" She gasped, grabbing Trixie's shoulder with concern , "Not even the lyrics?"

"Fuck me I forgot it was this week" Trixie groaned in despair, clutching her throbbing temples "I've been putting it off all term"

"Do you have any clue what you wanna do for it?"

"I can whip something together...probably" Trixie tried and failed to convince the Aussie.

"In 2 days?"

"... "

She chuckled slightly at Trixies morbid expression.

"Well if and when you need a hand, drop me a text. You've got my number don't you?"

"Uh, I'm not sure I do, actually"

"I'll send it then" She finished, trailing her hand down Trixies arm as she turned back to her food. The prolonged touch sent electricity down her spine.

"You're a fucking mess, you know that right Trixie?"


The sun glistened through a pane in the corner of the mini studio, illumating the otherwise closed off room. It was about 6, and Trixie had done nothing but sit and brainstorm for this project, a bin of scrunched up drafts besides her. She'd managed to book the whole afternoon slot to herself to record some instrumentals, which she'd already done (that was the easy part) and was now stumped on lyrics.

After some consideration, she'd decided to make some kind of love song, more specifically one about young love. It was a topic that came easily to her, being the hopeless romantic she was. She'd briefly considered using some old lyrics, but after a quick scan of her notebook page she remembered how terrifyingly cringey her songs from junior year actually were. She instead stared down at the blank lines before her, waiting for the first line to click. Once that happened the rest would come easily. It always did.

Her head still ached dully, scattering her thought train everytime it appeared to be finding some cohesion (it was the type of hangover that just...lingers). She was lacking inspiration most of all, not just a clear head. She could write about her she supposed, but that seemed like such an easy way out. She really needed some cute girl to swoop in and provide a point of reference. Someone with details that deserved to be romantisicised.
A crush, to put it simply.

"A crush...jesus. What am I, twelve?" She scoffed, leaning back in her chair. She hadn't had a 'crush' since she was like 15. A romance these days either meant pretty much nothing or she was head over heels for them, no inbetween. How could she write about 'young love' if she wasn't even a teenager anymore? She was fooling herself-

Her phone buzzed in her bag, cutting her distracted thoughts short.

"No, don't check it. You need to focus"

The buzz rang again.


...and again.


Trixie unzipped a pocket and grabbed the device, clicking it open to see multiple texts from an unknown number.



I know you're there
stop airing me 😔

Trixie couldn't help but laugh.

Ugh, not you

How the fuck did
you get my

I have my methods.

It was Kim wasn't it

The stoned one, actually

What's her name again?


You did not just say
the name Penelope as if
that's a serious guess 😭

Well it's a grandma
kinda name I know
that much

Anyway, just texting
to ask if we need anything
food wise for the week?
I'm going via target on
the way back

Trixie stared down at the screen, almost confused.

We do need some
eggs, actually

You're okay to pay?

Lmao why wouldn't
I be

Idk, just not used to
sharing expenses yet ig

Well, you better
get used to it bc I'm
not gonna let u pay 4

Where are you rn

Music studio


Just curious. I'm in
Art. I could swing by
after you're done
so we can shop together?

It's cool if not

It finally clicked. It may not be about young love, but it was a pretty great line. She snatched up a pen and scribbled it down, her chest knotting with every word.

Yeah come save me. We can
have some much needed
bonding 😘😘

Don't push your
luck, Tracy. I've not
forgiven you for
ditching me yet.

Be there in 10.

Trixie couldn't help but be puzzled by her raised heartbeat.
I guess she really did have a roommate now.


This kinda sucks, but we move.
Hope yall are having a good Monday x

Part 8 will be up before the end of the month...hopefully.

PS: That didn't happen as you can see. I'm a slow writer at the best of times but I am also just busy. The next part is quite near being finished, and will definitely be out before the 10th. Sorry 4 the wait x

token punk ~ trixya college/roommates auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang