chapter one

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The dragon slayers have been keeping a secret about them self's: they are actually brothers. The three older brothers were very protective of the younger brother ( sorry did i say very i meant EXTREMELY). They didn't like anyone to date Bryan as they could break his heart. Bryan had been in the protectors guild for some time now and has been dating Jakey but he dreaded the day he would have to tell is brother as he knew it would be difficult. Bryan got up in the morning ready to do some training with his guild. He got dressed into his usual outfit and headed downstairs to be greeted by his brothers. "Morning sleepyhead," Collin said while smirking. "Bryan did you not get enough sleep last night?" asked Mario. "i'm fine," Bryan said while sitting down to eat his breakfast. "what are your plans today Bryan," said Mitch. Bryan immediately knew he only asked this to be protective. "I have got  train with my guild today, why?" "Just checking to make sure you are safe that's all," "Mmmhhh," Bryan hated when they asked him that because one time when Bryan was younger he lied and when to go see a boy instead of doing what he said he was doing. Ever since that day when Bryan got home they would ask him lots of questions about his day like 'where were you?' 'who was with you?'. Bryan stood up and put his plate in the sink. He then went over to the door and slipped his shoes on bending down to do his lases. He then got up and was about to head out the door until Mario said "Don't get in any trouble," "ugh, i won't," and with that Bryan set off for the protectors guild.

Bryan walked into the guild hall and only seeing Lo Pho. "hello Bryan, you are early." "good morning Lo Pho," Bryan sat down and talked to Lo Pho until all the other arrived. "Alright let do training" They headed down to the training area and pulled out colors. Lo Pho and Mania got black. Kayla and Alex got blue. Jakey and Elior (don't know how to spell it :( ) got yellow. Which finally left Bryan and Nicks with red. That day was a long day off training. Jakey was going to speed up time but was to tired to do so. Since the day had been everyone decided to go home except Bryan and Jakey. "hi Bryan," "hi Jakey, how are you?" " i am good," Jakey then walked over to Bryan and sat down next to him.They talked until they decided they were going to go home but when they saw it was dark outside they desided to say at Jakey's house. In this Alex had found an apartment and was now staying there. When bryan and Jakey got into his room they decided to talk a little more. they had been talking for about 10 minutes and then Bryan to yawn which caused Jakey to chuckle a little."how about we go to sleep now?Jakey said and the sleep dragon slayer nodded. Bryan was going to sleep on the couch  and since he was tired. Jakey woke up about 2 hours later (3:00am) as he couldn't sleep. He turned over and looked at Bryan. As he watched Bryan, he blushed a little. He couldn't help but think he was really cute. He must have been staring at Bryan for a while he then fell asleep.

Word count: 588  

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