Chapter 7

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Harry ignored the looks and the whispers as he strolled through the halls. He'd already been cornered by enough people today that he honestly couldn't care what any of the others had to say. Hermione had merely asked if he was sure of what he was doing and wished him well. Ginny had wanted details but had gotten very few. Blaise Zabini had even approached him with compliments on the marks he'd left across Draco's skin over the past few weeks. Ron was pointedly ignoring him, though he knew his friend would come around eventually. He always did. All of that he could handle though, except the fact that said blonde was avoiding him.

Draco had been scarce all day, ducking in and out of classes before Harry could catch up to him. He'd avoided meals and both of their rooms. Harry was now left wondering why. Was it because Ron had told everyone? Was he embarrassed? Or worse ashamed? Or was it because of what Harry had said earlier? Harry hadn't meant to admit it. Not yet anyway. He was falling hard for the blonde and his mouth had let it slip. He wasn't even sure if Draco had been fully awake or not so he was left with not knowing, which was much worse by far.

He searched the map, finally locating Draco in the quidditch locker rooms. Donning the cloak so no one would follow, he set out to get answers. It wasn't long before he was pushing open the heavy door, not caring if he took the other by surprise.

"What gives?" Harry asked as the door slammed shut.

Draco jumped, book flying and a gasp echoing in the enclosed space. His bottom lip was red from worrying it with his teeth and he eyes were large with surprise.


"Did you think I wouldn't find you? Why have you been avoiding me, pet?"

He shrugged, "It doesn't matter. You needn't bother with me anymore."

"What?" Bother with him? As if it were a chore to hold him and kiss him?

"You got what you wanted. You shagged the Death Eater. You rebelled against everyone. You made your point."

Anger seethed in Harry's chest, not at the words but at the blatant hurt echoed across usually stoic features. "What're you going on about?"

"That's what this all was about, wasn't it? Rebelling against your whole golden boy image. I was just the quickest way to do so. Good job. You did it. You even made a fool out of me in the process."

So that's what this was about. "Who's been feeding you that shite?"

Draco merely raised one perfect eyebrow above red rimmed eyes. Had he been crying? "That's what they've all been saying."

Harry felt his chest cave as he moved to embrace the blonde. The other was trembling as he took him in his arms, smoothing a hand over his glossy locks. "That's what you think this is? A publicity stunt?"

Draco shuddered in his arms, attempting to pull away. "What else could it possibly be?"

"You bloody fool." Harry almost laughed. "Haven't you learned by now that I don't give a damn what they all say."

"Then why? Why would you want me?"

"Because I adore the side of you that only I get to see. Because you are brilliant and witty and you keep me on my toes. Because you do not expect anything from me than to just be myself. Because you are undeniably sexy and I've wanted everyone to know you're mine for ages."

"You have?"

Harry nodded, "I adore seeing my marks on your skin but I love that everyone else sees them as well. That they know you're taken and proud of it."

"You don't care that everyone knows?" Draco looked at him with wide eyes.

"I care that it's upset you. But not that everyone knows. You're mine, Draco, and it's about time everyone knows it." Harry grinned, dragging the blonde against him for a possessive kiss. After a moment of surprise, it was returned. The blonde crawled into his lap, straddling Harry's thighs on the bench. Harry clutched his hips, stilling the maddening movement of the other's hips, needing to make himself clear before he took the blatant offering.

"Harry!" He whined, fingers tugging on dark hair.

"Say it, Draco. Say you're mine so you don't forget it ever again." He growled the words against wet lips.

"I am. I'm yours."

"And I love you."

"You do?"

"Of course. Never doubt that. Do you love me too, pet?" Harry cooed, stroking trembling thighs above him.


"Then no one else matters. Let them say what they will. They're jealous."

"Because I get to have you." Draco grinned, his cocky self-assured attitude returning.

"Oh, pet, they're jealous that I own this tight little ass." Harry growled, roughly grabbing at the blonde's generous ass. "Strip for me, love, show me what's mine."

Harry watched with approving eyes as Draco hurriedly shed his clothes. Once he was naked, all his pale skin on display, Harry drew him closer. He latched a mouth around one nipple, suckling the nub as his hand circled the other's hard cock. Harry stroked him, reveling in the moans that echoed in the small space.

"Please!" Draco gasped, nails digging into Harry's shoulders.

"What is it you want, love? Tell me."

"Want you inside me." Draco panted, hips moving into Harry's hand. "Want you. Now."

Harry groaned, unable to hold back any longer. He pulled himself from his pants, cock already dripping at the prospect of that tight heat. He muttered a preparation spell, too impatient to do it himself. By then Draco was already crawling into his lap, warm hand wrapped around Harry's cock to line him up with his entrance. They both groaned as he slid down, impaling himself on the hard length.

"Fuck, that's it. Ride me." Harry groaned, hand fisting white blonde hair to drag him in for a kiss. Draco lifted himself before slamming back down. He set a brutal pace. One Harry simple held on for. He easily gave up the reins. Simply watching at Draco used him to reach his own end.

"I'm close." He panted and Harry reached to stroke the length between them, enjoying the wrecked noises falling from his partner's mouth. He looked utterly debauched. Lips kissed and bitten red. His hair a mess and his pale skin flushed with exertion. His eyes were squeezed shut as he shouted, his orgasm painting both of their chests. The clenching of his ass sent Harry over the edge. He bit down on the blonde's shoulder as he emptied inside him.

They both fell limp, gasping for breath as they came down. Eventually Harry moved them to the showers, gently washing his lover in the warm water.

"You really love me?" Draco asked from where he leaned against Harry's broad chest. Harry tucked wet hair behind one ear, pulling him up to meet his gaze.


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