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The moment I opened my eyes, I was in the year of 1850. I want to tell you something that make me suprissed, too shocking. Dramatically, if someone transmigrated or reincarnated, when they woke up, they will be in a beautiful room, sleeping like a princess of fairy tale. But mine, can you believe it?

I woke up in the coffin.

A coffin, you know!

The audience are singing a sorrowful song and the priest is praying. Both of my hands is holding a bunch of chrysantemum flowers that represent death. Omg. If its an ordinary woman, they would scream right away. Luckily, I'm a grim reaper. For me, this coffin is just like a bed. But don't set me apart with vampires. They are disgusting.

This ceremonial is nothing to me. I have watched a lot of souls split up with their bodies in this kind of event. That's why when I woke up, I keep silent to arrange things in my head. Panic? Of course I'm not panic. Why do I have to panic? Well, maybe a little bit confuse. To fulfill my speculation, I slowly opened my eyes. In my vision, I saw two people were hugging while crying together.

'Are they the parents?'

Why I doubt that? Because previously, my parent's face aren't like them. Maybe I'm in different body again. I remember before I was death, I saw my killer. Yes, a handsome man. I give you a hint. He's a prince. For a woman, he killed me in front of the woman to prove that he was loyal to her. I wasn't sad. Rather than that, I was pitying him. After my death, from the headquarter of judgement, I saw him betrayed deliberately by the woman. She ran away with a mercenaries and never come back. The truth, she was death in assasination. When the news came to him, he scorned her. He don't care.

Honestly, he was my first love. But, the moment he killed me, I no longer like him. My trust has been burned a long time ago. But one thing that I have been curious about. He came to my grave. Standing still in front of it even if its raining. Not to long, he collapsed.

'What is he doing?'

That was the past. Now it seems I have been placed in the body of ordinary woman. Not too ordinary, not too noble neither.


It was the original body name. I heard it from her parents' mouth while they mourning. She is Earl Chapman's youngest daughter, Jessylin Chapman. Because of deathly sickness, she was dead. She has an older brother that working for the government named Jason. A true gentleman. But a siscon. He's married though. Truly shocking. I have brother with personality that disturb me the most. It makes me have a goosebump.

Immediately, I support my upper body to standing straight, startled the parents that sitting beside my coffin. Even the priest gasped. The audiences have their jaw near the floor. I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw this scene.

I scanned my surrounding with my eagle eyes quickly. My eyes turned back to my new 'parents'.

I said, "Father, mother, let's go home, there is something that I need to tell you." with a sweet smile. The two of them still staring at me with blank eyes. I remember that the original body is a quite person, a low-key one. Not to much people know her. But if you see her smiles, flowers will blooming beautifully around you. Just like a sunlight. Unfortunely, she only smiled to her special people.

I glanced to the big statue behind the priest for a while and slowly walked away to the exit. Near the door, something caught my attention.

'Oh. What a coincidence.'

In the corner, there was a man with a dominant aura. His midnight black hair, which glisten in the moonlight illuminating from the window, was combed back and his face carefully structured. The cold blue eyes of the man were like a deep ocean. Muscles rippled across every part of his body behind the black suit. He was obviously seasoned warrior. He's standing elegantly with indiferrent face while putting his hands in his pants pocket. His well-being is just like a god. Too admiring and pressuring.

My eyes met him. We were staring with each other for a while but I was the first one to break the atmosphere.

With smile, I signed him with my mouth moved like a whisper and then I go out.

His cold gaze is still on me even though I was already went outside. I sigh.

'Heaven, you're too cruel.'

I met him again in this world. It seems I only changed the body but not the world. It still the time of my previous life. Am I that unlucky? At least erased my memories about him.

This time I can reassured. I won't be in the capital. Not because I'm avoiding him. But because of my new job. My juridiction area has been changed because I failed. I hope in that new place, I can do my job peacely.

As a soul collector.

The moment I entered the carriage, a burst of scream was heard so loudly. The parents also back to their sense and quickly run to the carriage.


Ini novel pertamaku dengan bahasa Inggris, mohon maaf jika bahasanya ada yang salah. Terima kasih telah membaca. Kritik dan saran diterima. 🙏

This is my first novel in English and I hope that everyone who know English can give me some point on which is wrong in vocabulary or grammar. I'm still in learning state so I hope u understand that maybe some words or sentences are weird😄 Thank u for considered of me.

With love🤗

The Villain's Grandma is a Grim ReaperWhere stories live. Discover now