You Get A Date

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Michael: You are half asleep and can't sleep so you decide to play your favorite video game. After shooting a few people and winning you try to sleep ,but cant, it has to be that guy, you think. He was just so nice and sweet to you met him earlier at the park. You remember this red haired tall boy with his jean jacket you decide to call him with your heart pounding. It's ringing and ringing and ringing, should I have done this? What if he doesn't like me? All these what ifs scare you so you hang up. You decided to go and try to sleep again. Moments later you hear the phone ring. You pick it up and hear a sweet voice that you can tell just woke up saying

"Sorry I missed your call, I was sleeping.... is this the beautiful girl named Y/N I saw today?"

"Umm I guess and this is..." You say

"Did you need anything beautiful" he said in his cute sleepy voice

"Sleep I need sleep. And I am not beautiful but thanks." You say quickly.

"Well I have to disagree but have sweet dreams and call me if you need anything." With that he hangs up. Once he hangs up you just can't help but smile because he called YOU beautiful.Wow! You lay in bed and surprisingly go to sleep! His voice is magic!


"Ring ring" your alarm was buzzing. "Ugh I have to go to work!" You say as you get up and get ready to go to the music store (where you work.) You go and pop in a Metallica CD when the redheaded boy walks in. What was his name again? "Oh! Michale!" You accedently yell. You duck behind the counter quickly as he walks over. "Hello is anyone here? I thought I heard my name?"he asked. You just kept quite. He looks over the counter smiling " I knew it was that girl who called me last night!"

"I have a name you know" you say in sassy tone yet shyly.

"I know you do beautiful" he said with a smirk.

"Stop calling me that! I don't know how to handle it!"

"Well that shouldn't bother you because that's what you are, beautiful" he said seriously. "But it does OK? Now why are you here?"

"Well somebody is in a bad mood today, I came to get a cd or do you have a problem with that too?" He says sassily. You just rolled your eyes at him.

"I'm not in a bad mood I'm just tired remember I couldn't sleep."

"Whatever beautiful" he winked. " So can I buy this" he asked as you handed you an All Time Low cd.

"Mhm" is all you say as you scan it and and then say " Have a nice day,come back soon" you say in an angry voice.

He's walking out when he's says, "Hey I know your angry and all but do you want to go on a date?" You chew on the inside of your cheek thinking about it. You then say,

"If you can guess my favorite band! You get three tries!"

" oh see how it is! Let me guess" he thinks for a minute. " Is it Metallica? I saw you putting in the cd so yeah" he smiles

"Shit!" You whisper. You look up and say "damn you are perfect aren't you?" You say with a smart smile. "Its a date." You go back to working.

Calum: You walk into a vans store and start to look at some black vans when someone bumps into you.

"Sorry!" You say quickly even though it wasn't your fault.

" oh no it was my fault I wasn't looking, sorry " he said as he turned around. Damn he was hot. "Uhh...uh..ok" was all you could say, staring.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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