Chapter 15: The Betrayer

Start from the beginning

"You want me to do anything, brother?" said Liam.

Let's stop here for a while. You may think that this is crazy, but no. Liam is Steve McKinley's brother. They are both villains. I've heard of the McKinleys before. They are very tricky especially Steve. He became the mayor of the hidden freemason city. Okay, now back to the exciting dream.

"Go to the empire state building when I tell you to," said the mayor.

"Okay, big brother," said Liam.

When the mayor put down the phone, the building shook and the mayor ran out of his room. I heard shouts.

Then, my dream shifted. I was outside the mayor's building. The ground floor was on fire. Everyone was shouting. Heavy and light combat nano-tech robots came out of the agency.

I saw a guy standing in front of the building watching it burn. He wasn't shouting. He was laughing. I tried to shout at him, but my voice did not work. I had to get there.

I woke up and called out to SX-75. He knew what was going on. It threw something awesome and shiny.

"Put that on your chest when you see the fire," it said.

I nodded a thank you and went off.

I saw the fire. The fire was huge. I put the thing that SX-75 gave me to my chest, and it activated. It was nano-tech. The nanobots scramble on my body until my body was armored with mercunium. It was shiny and hard. I can choose to let the nanobots cover my head into a helmet. I approached the fire and saw the same man standing in front of the fire laughing.

I went over to him and asked what he was doing.

"Citizen of the shadow city, why are you laughing?" I asked.

"You don't understand what I'm doing, Mikey Jackson of the shadow," he said.

I looked at him and said, "Jax, why are you here?"

"To end the mayor's life," he said.

"I know what he is up to," I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, he's brother is going to New York," I said.

"Oh.......Liam? He's no big deal," he replied.

"You know Liam McKinley?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, really nasty eh, old friend?" he replied.

"I haven't seen him in action yet," I said.

"You better go of else I have no choice but to arrest you," I said.

"You? Arrest me?" he asked me.

"Why?" he asked me strictly.

"It's the law, Jax," I said as I reached my hand and the nanobots scramble onto my hand and form a handcuff.

"Okay, you're serious," he admitted.

"Yeah, now hurry up and go to New York, I will meet you there when I text you," I said as my handcuff dissolve and the nanobots scrambled back to my armor.

I watched him run away and I looked back to the fire. My nanobots ran on my head and form my very own spiky helmet. The helmet showed me what feature is in my armor. There was sword, SMG 2, water cannon......... just what I need, a water cannon.

My nanobots ran on my hands and it form a gigantic water cannon. It was morphed with my hands. Perfect. I aimed the water cannon at the fire and fired the water cannon. A giant gush of water came out the cannon and it extinguished the fire. Awesome. I went in the building and fired the water at the fire in the whole building.

Inside the building was hot. Yeah, because of the fire. There were still some people in the building. I told them where to go. After that, I faced the fire. It was gigantic. Just then, my water cannon morphed within my two hands. Cool. I fired that giant gush of water to the fire. Finally, the fire was gone.

When I came out of the building, my helmet and my water cannon dissolve into nanobots and they scrambled back to my armor. The shadows outside the building clapped their hands and congratulate me. I saw the mayor and he asked me to come to his office. My armor turned back into a card and I slotted it into my pocket. When I reached the mayor's office, the door immediately shut, and the mayor looked at me.

"Congratulations, Mike Jackson, son of Alex Jackson for putting out the fire," said the mayor.

"I appreciate your gratitude, Mayor McKinley," I said.

"I called you here not only to congratulate you but to hear what you discovered in Delos," said the mayor.

I swallowed and said, "Yes, I discovered something,"

"Well, what is it?" asked the mayor.

"I discovered that you are a villain," I said.

"Congratulations, Mike. You have figured my secret identity," the mayor admitted reluctantly.

"Why do you want to rule the shadow city?" I asked the mayor.

"It's because I've been waiting for you for decades ever since your parents did this to me!" he said as he showed me his arm having a big scar.

"What is that scar for?" I asked.

"I did something wrong and they did this to me!" he paused and said, "Oops."

"It proved that what my parents did was right," I said.

I was about to walk away. Then, I thought of an idea.

I turned back to him and asked, "Hey, your nerves up?"

"Wha-?" he asked.

I slapped him.

"Oww! What was that for?" he exclaimed.

"For betraying the shadows," I said.

"They don't know the truth," he said.

"Soon," I said.

"Soon what?" the mayor asked.

"Soon.... they will know the truth," I said.

"In your dreams, Mike Jackson," he said.

"How rude," I said as I walked away.

I walked out of the mayor's building and headed to the agency. A few moments later, I reached my room and entered my room. SX-75 greeted me. I greeted it back. I quickly changed my clothes to the clothes I asked SX-75 to prepare for me.

After that, I wentout of my room and towards the meeting room. It was time to learn the truth. 

The Hunt of the Shadows Book 1: The Light of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now